Couple goals/ Family?

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Angel eyes was twitch, Hearing me complaint.. I'll was panicked because looking for the right outfit that suits me before meeting Angel family.

"Will you just calm down, mine family's not that special."

Angel said, Getting annoyed by my overreacting.

"Maybe not to you, But I'll still want to make a good impression."

I'll kept digging though mine stuff.
Till I'll found what was looking for, Angel sigh while walking up to me.

And I'll gotten So distracted, That I'll didn't notice Angel gotten closer behind me. I quickly Turn around already founding mine stuff, But met eyes to eyes without matters of second with Angel.
He then grabbed mine risk. Pushing me against the wall slowly, I'll then stared at him confuse wonder why'd this all a sudden?

"Look, I'll know you'll excited,
But trust me. You won't be seein the brightest faces in mine family..."

"So some of your family are buzzkill, That no big..-"

'He not the only one, Who have them great. . .'

"And besides I been though worst family's fun time. I'll mean hello am Alastor ex girlfriend."

I'll awkward joked,

"And did you not forget, That you're now mine girlfriend."

Mine heart stopped for a moment, Realize that I'll forgot what I said a couple of weeks ago. I'll told Molly's that we was dating,

"I-I didn't-"

"Sure~ you didn't, It just not like you to just forget.. Because-" He kept getting closer to you that y'all body touched, His hand rubbed it way to your chest feeling you're heartbeat rate. "-It felted like you're heart just dropped, beat by beat~ slowly..-"
His other hands form behind mine back Tangling in my hair.

"-But you don't mind this, Do you? After all we are dating, But if not all you got to  do is say the word. Then I stopped."

'I don't know why, but this unexpected behavior made me feel vulnerable,
But at the same time, It's felt comfortable being under him..
I guess this is my punishment for pretending to be his girlfriend.'

He rubbed his fingers against my skin, I then began to twitch.
As he smirked,

"I'm waiting~"

"Fine! I'm sorry, I fake pretends to be your girlfriend."

He untangled his body from you, And lowered down a little to you're height

"That all I wanted to hear~"

I blush a little, For how are face was inching apart from eachother...
Then the door pop open while Charlie  walk in catching us in the unsettling position, 

"Y/n? Is Angel in Here, His sister is waiting for him outsid-" She then noticed us, while started to blush.
"Oh, I'm sorry Was I interrupting anything?! Oh No- What am I saying of course I was interrupting y'all two moment!-"

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