Hot chocolate and controversey

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You are a Slytherin fifth year and are apart of a pure blood family who have a close relationship with the Malfoy's. You have grown up with Draco who is a year above you. You have a close friendship with each other. You are known to be kind and are friends with Ginny, Luna and Neville.

Start of story:
As the days grew shorter, you spent more and more time at malfoy manor making preparations for your joint Christmas gala. Whilst Narcissa, Lucius, yd/n, ym/n chat away over tea about napkins and guest lists, you and Draco went to the three broomsticks for hot chocolate only he wasn't himself today. "Are you okay Draco" you asked in a perky voice. He ignored you. "Draco, come on you can talk to me-"
"Shut up Y/n, you don't understand, I can't talk to you, not about this, go to the sweet shop or something, leave me alone!"
You gasped as he lashed out, 16 years you had been friends and he had never yelled at you before, sure he had a short temper but never towards you. Shocked you walked away leaving him to settle the bill. You went to sit at the train station and wait for him to come to ride home. It hadn't even been five minutes since sitting down when you suddenly felt a cold hand touch your shoulder. "DRACO" you yelled at the top of your lungs, "just because you can apporate doesn't mean you can scare me whenever-" you were cut off as Draco apporated again but this time bringing you along with him. You opened your eyes and you were in a dark alley way with Draco's cold hand over your mouth. You could feel his ice cold rings stinging your cheeks. Muffled you tried to ask what he wanted. He motioned his finger to his lip telling you to be quiet. You could tell it was serious so stopped instantly.
Draco removed his hand from your mouth: "I'm sorry about that, I gave you a really hard time back there and i feel awful, I just have a lot on my mind right now I really am sorry, you know how much I appreciate you and everything you do for me, I had to keep you quiet because people would have thought Id kidnapped you"
"Technically Draco, you did kidnap me"
He rolled his eyes whilst letting out a chuckle.
"and it's okay of course I forgive you silly, just try not to do it again, you don't have to talk to me about everything but I'm here if you want me to. Now why did you bring me here?"
Draco smiled and grabbed your hand.

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