Lunch at marigolds

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When you arrived at the restaurant you ran your parents.
"Mother, father! How was your day?"
"It was great y/n I hope you behaved yourself"
Your mother replied looking up with a smile at Narcissa.
"She did as ever" responded Lucius. You all sat down in a booth at the back of the restaurant. You immediately sat next to draco who had his cold hands on your thighs.
"That's a lovely necklace, did you buy that yesterday?" Your mother asked inquisitively.
"It is isn't it, but no actually it was a gift off of Draco" you glanced at him as he beamed.
"Wow Draco, is been wondering when you were finally going to give it to her, you took your time" Lucius stated. Draco blushed.
"It's gorgeous Draco, that's so sweet of you" your mother replied.
"It's nothing really, your daughter really is special" he said gripping you now. You lent your head on his shoulder.
During your meal your families got along as good as every time. Bellatrix tried to perform the killing curse on the waiter who had got her order wrong until a glare from Narcissa changed her mind. Hours past and the adults were beginning to become engrossed in their own separate conversation. Draco held your hand and guided you away to an empty dark corridor. "Y/n, Ive been meaning to tell you this, Ive actually liked you for a long time, since we were kids and-"
"Draco, I like you too, a lot"
He smiled relieved, "so your sure you want to go to the gala with me, i was worried you just said yes to be polite"
"Malfoy, when am I ever polite to you? I said yes because I do want to go with you, I love you"
Startled Draco looked you on your eyes and held your shoulders against the wall.
"I love you too"
He lent In and your lips locked. He pulled your hair out of your face and you became submerged in his cologne. You looked up as he towered over you before her lifted you up. You wrapped yourself around him as he continued to kiss you. You ran your hands through his silver hair. It was soft, clean. Everything suddenly felt right until it wasn't. Draco reluctantly pulled away.
"Our parents will wonder where we are but I wanted to say a proper goodbye."
"Good bye?" You asked worried before you remembered it was December 9th Draco and his parents were traveling to visit family for two weeks band won't be back until the day before the gala on the 24th. Your heart sunk. "Come on y/nn, it's only two weeks, then we have the gala."
Your eyes welled up as you leaped for a hug.
He hugged you back before narcissa came around the corner. "Come on Draco, we will see you soon y/n, it won't be long"
You waved and forced a smile before meeting back with your parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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