The train ride back

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You walked out of the store linking Draco with a smile plastered on your face however it wasn't as big as Draco's who was clearly very chuffed with himself.  As you walked through the village you and Draco chatted away just like you always had until you bumped into your friend; Neville Longbottom.
"y/n! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages?" You ran and gave him a hug.
"I'm great actually thank you, how was your trip?"
"It was okay actually, not nearly as boring as I had imagined, I missed you loads"
"Awe that's so sweet"
Neville Beamed. "So y/ln, who are you here with?" He said whilst looking around.
"I'm with Draco actually you how about you?"
"Oh I'm here alone, I better go anyway, I need to get fantastic beasts, Ive lost my copy and apparently they are selling out! See you y/nn (your nickname)!"
You said goodbye and turned back around, Draco had gone.
After 10 minutes of searching you found him at the train station.
"Hey malfoy, I've been looking for you everywhere, do you not want to grab a pumpkin pie before heading home?" He glared at you. "I'm not hungry".
"Oh okays" you responded before sitting next to him. He didn't wrap his arm around you like he usually did.
"I love the dress Draco, I really do- I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you"
"I know one way" he muttered under his breath. He didn't seem like he wanted you to hear so you'd didn't mention it. You began to shake as the cold nipped your skin. The train wasn't due for 15 more minutes. You lay and rested on draco's shoulder. He looked down and noticed you shaking.
"Y/n. Your freezing! Here"
He took off his coat and wrapped it around you and swiftly put his arm over your shoulder.
"Thank you" you stuttered.
"Don't be silly" he replied.
The next 15 minutes flew by as you rested on his shoulder. When you were on the train draco sat opposite you whilst you still clung to his coat. You talked on the train until Draco brought up something strange.
"So that Longbottom kid, is he your boyfriend or something?" You let out a startled laugh.
"Of course not he's just my friend, besides he's totally head over heals for Luna, and his name is Neville, he is in your year actually, a gryffindor"
"I may have seen him around"
"He is in most of your classes Draco, I would hope you had"
You both laughed.
"So you don't have a boyfriend?"
"No  malfoy, I don't have a boyfriend" you said with a giggle.
Draco stood up and walked around the table and sat down next to you wrapping his arm around you. You lent on his shoulder and sat quite comfortably until you arrived home.

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