Falling asleep

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As you and Draco walked from the station to the manor you held hands. He told you all about quidditch as you tried to keep up with the rules. As you got to the entrance you met with Narcissa, she gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek leaving some of her lipstick behind. "Oh hello y/n, did you have a good time?"
She eyes the bag before looking at draco with a smile. "Yes we had a great time thank you, did your planning go well?"
"It went splendid dear, you kids must be exhausted, y/n, your parents have home home, we didn't want to make you guys come home early though so your welcome to stay over, the spare room is already prepared if you like"
Draco tried to cover his smile.
"Yes that sounds lovely Narcissa, thank you and I'm glad everything went well"
"Your so sweet, you have some pyjamas on your bed, and a pair of clean clothes to change into in the morning as we are all going do lunch, also don't mind Bellatrix, she isn't in the best mood as she and Andromeda argued over monopoly, your lucky you missed that actually. Lucius is in the next room working so it May be best to not disturb him for a couple more hours."
"Thank you, we will keep that in mind bye mummmm" Draco whined as he pulled you away. Narcissa smiled as she waved "Oh and there is some left over dinner if your hungry"
"Yes mummmm" Draco whined again, not really listening to her.
As we made it upstairs we went into dracos room, it was decorated it a deep emerald green with silver accents. 

"Would never tell your in Slytherin you know"You said with a chuckle

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"Would never tell your in Slytherin you know"
You said with a chuckle. Draco glared in a jokey manner. You looked at the clock. It was quater past eight. You went to the spare room next door. It was just one of the dozen spare rooms that filled malfoy manor. This one may aswell be called y/n's room as Draco never lets anyone else ever use it. It's decorated exactly how you like it and Is filled with your things. Growing up close with the Malfoy's meant a lot of sleepovers so as you got older it made sense for you to have your own room. Draco has one at your house too, painted in a dark green.
Your room however was a lot brighter.

On your bed were some silk Pyjamas,

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On your bed were some silk Pyjamas,

you quickly got changed and ran back to Draco's room

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you quickly got changed and ran back to Draco's room. You knocked on the door before entering. Draco stood in the middle of the room with his shirt over his head.
"Y/n! You little bugger get out"
You snorted with laughter as he stood with his arms stuck in the air.
"Here, let me help you" you ran over still laughing as he struggled. You reached up and just about reached to pull his shirt back down, revealing his beetroot face.
"I didn't need your help y/ln"
"Oh believe me I know" you replied with another chuckle. You playfully pushed his shoulder before he grabbed your hand on his chest. He looked you in the eyes before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Not again malfoy!" You squealed as he tickled your stomach. After a few minutes you saw a figure at the door. As Draco flipped you back over 180 degrees you realised it was Lucius.
"I'm trying to work"
Draco stood dead still staring at his father.
"I'm only kidding" he retorted before walking through the door. "So how was your day kids? See any mud bloods?" You stood clearly uncomfortably.
"Father, you really ought to-"
"Relax Draco Im only kidding, therapy made me realise how badly I behaved in the past"
Relieved you smiled, "we had a great day, we bumped into Neville actually" Draco failed to hide his sigh but you continued to ignore It.
"I see... right well I will let you carry on whatever your doing, I'll see you in the morning" Lucius have you both a quick hug and glared at Draco before making his way to his room.
"Sorry about that-" Draco started.
"Oh don't be silly malfoy, you know I love your farther"
"He loves you a lot too you know- sure would help if he could attempt to hide it"
"Shut up Draco you know he loves you the most"
Draco, clearly bored of this conversation ran to your waist and threw you on his shoulder again before dropping you on the bed and laying next to you. "Your my favourite person you know y/ln"
"And your mine malfoy"
You fell asleep in his arms.

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