Chapter 3: New Work

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There was no response for the first try so I knocked three times again. It seemed that no one was home even though I was on time. I had hoped that someone would have set up a chair and waited outside for my arrival; or at least sat on the other side of the door like a security guard awaiting some action. I looked down to the left and realized there was a doorbell on the opposite side of the door where it wasn't supposed to be. I didn't care why at the moment, I just quickly rung it three times and waited.

On the other side I heard footsteps and a loud grunt coming down some stairs. I postured up and quickly pasted my smile on to look like I cared, which I definitely did. The door swung open and my face quickly turned upside down. It was an overweight, older man in his late 40's wearing pajamas and looked like he hadn't taken much care of himself as far as grooming went .

The guy asked, "Who're you?"

His Italian accent was very strong with a dash of New York style slang. I put my professional veneer back together and put my hand out for a handshake as I introduced myself.

"Hello, I'm Marc Barnes."

The guy scratched his butt and replied, "So."

I put my hand down and clarified, "You contacted my ad online. I'm the accountant."

He recollected, "Oh right, yeah come in." He moved away from the door without opening it up for me and walked away then added, "The living room is to the left. Have a seat."

I slowly pushed the door open and walked inside then slowly closed it behind me as I replied, "Thank you."

The wood floor creaked as I stepped in. There was a kitchen on the right; where he went, a living room on the left and stairs directly in front that led up to a hallway. The hallway looked like it could go left and right. Oddly enough the place was neat but not too fancy; the interior color was an off yellow with white door trimmings but there weren't any doors at all downstairs. I walked into the living room and sat down on the leather couch that was parked up against the left wall by a window.

The man walked in and asked, "Want anything to drink? Tequila? Bourbon?"

I figured that had to be some kind of joke but something in his face was hard to read.

I answered, "Bottled water?"

He looked me in my eyes with a blank expression on his face and replied, "No." The guy sat down on the couch, opposite of where I was sitting then continued, "Okay listen let me get to the point of why I called you. I have seven-hundred thousand dollars and I need you to tell me what to do wit it."

My eyes lit up as high as they could possibly go. After that, his lifestyle and attitude went right out of my head then my hunger for payment took over.

I replied, "That's a lot of telling."

My throat was in a drought from the walk I made so I put my fist up to my mouth and cleared my throat.

He responded, "Yes it is. Now I was thinkin' maybe-"

I cleared my throat again and he stopped talking then put on a strange face like I had stepped on his favorite shoe.

He placed his hands out and irritably asked, "What's the matter wit you? You need to go to the bathroom or somethin'?"

I answered, "No I'm sorry. I don't have a car, I had to walk here and I'm a little dehydrated."

The man got up and walked away as he said to himself, "Jeez."

He stepped out of the living room then into the kitchen's threshold and disappeared out of sight. I sat there patiently waiting. How he had gotten a hold of seven-hundred thousand dollars was a grand mystery to me. I didn't care nor did I look too much into it. It was obvious that the guy knew how to save money through his sloppy appearance.

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