Chapter 8

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I walked back to the detective's car and got back in the back seat then said, "I'm in. Only under one condition, the evidence is solely up to me. None of your cop tricks and gadgets that could possibly get me discovered. I will bring you audio and pictures via cell phone."

Willis excitedly said, "We meet twice a week, here. Tuesday and Friday. Is it a deal?"

I agreed, "Deal."

Willis said, "If things get too hairy, don't hesitate to call us. Want a lift home?"

"No thanks. I'm parked outside the alley."

I got out of the car on Willis' side then he rolled down his window and gave me some advice, "Be careful out there. These guys are smart and dangerous."

They drove away and I started in the other direction back to my car as I said to myself, "Great motivational speech."

I made it back to the car and drove towards home. The whole way home I wasn't feeling too well but then I became a tad bit excited. Yes, it was dangerous and definitely something to be afraid of; but with no options, I decided I'd get my head on straight and think like a detective. If regular people could do it, I didn't see why I couldn't. I got back home and went to check in with Sam.

When I walked in, I didn't see her in the living room and the lights were on. It was dead quiet. I shut the door and took a couple of steps toward the bedroom. I heard the floor creek from in the bedroom and stopped walking. Sam stepped out of the room, brushing her hair, wearing her white robe. She stopped brushing then walked over and hugged me.

I smiled and said, "It's alright. I'm okay."

She let go of me then replied, "Of course you are, you came home. What happened?"

I answered, "I met with the two detectives and they're going to help us out of this situation but I have to go work for Claninte anyway."

"Who is Claninte?"

"They said it was the boss that Pete may have been referring to. I have to go see what they want me to do and if I can, take audio, video, and pictures with my phone."

"Sounds easy enough."

I had the longest night of my life and was wondering why it was still going on; so far I witnessed a murder, got threatened by a mafia boss, and almost killed. I was about done for the day.

I answered, "Yeah I hope so. I'm tired baby."

She replied, "Okay honey. Let's go to bed."

She walked me into the room and we got in bed together. There wasn't anything on the menu that night except for a lot of stress-free sleep. Not even the way she relaxed on top of me could bring the drowsiness. In other words, I couldn't sleep.

I didn't look at Pete's body on the way out but I kept picturing what it would have looked like if I had; little lacerations on his face with blood dripping out, those open eyes that just stare at you with death in them, the blood crawling across the floor. I felt like my imagination was giving it too much credit. Maybe the fourteen punches of fury weren't that bad. Focusing on that one thing, I finally dozed.

I woke the next morning to Sam staring passed me as she ran her hand up and down my torso over the blanket. I didn't say anything to her, just stared back at her with a tiny smile.

She looked down at me and greeted, "Hey."

I returned, "Hey."

Usually she's not in bed with me, even if she is home. I kind of liked it though when she wasn't because she'd always stare at me when she was. That time I didn't mind.

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