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The next morning after I wake up I realized I was looking at the sky.

(I'm wasn't dreaming I really am on an uninhabited island.)

I try to move my legs to stand up, but I'm met with someone hugging my leg. I slowly sit up and am met with Shane's sleeping face hugging my leg. I slowly slip my leg out of Shane's grip trying not to wake him. When I get my leg out of Shane's grasp he stirs a little.

I stand up and look around. Looks like I'm the first one up. I look down at Shane's face he's so adorable when he sleeps. I look around at everyone else's faces. Aww, they are so cute they look so peaceful and innocent.

I get up and go to collect more wood and leaves for the fire. The fire went out so I light my finger like a lighter and put my hand in the fire pit to start the flame again.

I decide we need weapons so I set out to grab nine big sticks. After collecting strong, sturdy sticks, I return and grab the razor blade to start and sharpen the sticks very keen. I finish sharpening all the sticks and, still, no one was up yet.

I make my way down to the beach and climb up the coconut trees shaking off the coconuts. I grab some vines and quickly tie them together to make a net. I finish the net, put all the coconuts inside, wrap them up, and head back towards the camp.

When I got to the camp, still nobody was up. I set the coconuts by the stump and left, off to find a big flat rock to use for a stove.

I walk through the forest and come across a nice smooth big flat rock. (Perfect!) I lift it up, with it probably being about fifty pounds. It's like a feather to me but would be harder for normal people. Then I head back to the camp.

I get back and lay the rock across the fire pit. I turn around and look at everybody, still, nobody is up yet. They must be really tired from yesterday. I grab a nearby sharp rock and head over toward the coconuts.

I start opening all the coconuts to use for bowls. I end up with twenty bowls. (Damn, I hate coconuts.)

I believe I might be allergic to the smell. The smell always makes my head hurt.

I pour as much coconut juice as I can in the milk carton. It would be good for cooking with later.

I decide to go hunting. I head into the forest, but I only find a bird's nests so I take the eggs and put them in the bag. (I'm sorry little birds, please forgive me.) I gather enough eggs to feed all of us and then I head back to the camp.

When I get back to the camp, I set the bag full of eggs down a little ways from the fire. I grab the net and put all of the coconuts in it then I head to the lagoon. At the lagoon, I wash out all of the coconuts then travel back to the camp.

I grab the eggs, crack them, put them in a cocobowl, stir it with a stick, and pour it on the stove. I'm just gonna make scrambled eggs. I move the eggs around with a stick to fully cook them. When the eggs start to smell good, everyone begins to stir a little in their sleep. That was when someone woke up.

"Mmmm, that smells good," Lucas says half awake.

"Good morning!" I say cheerfully.

"G' mornin'," Lucas says. He looks around the camp and then looks at me. "You've been busy," Lucas says. "You should have woken me up, I would've helped."

"No, I wanted you all to sleep after yesterday and plus you guys looked peaceful," I say.

He turns away and says, "Don't push yourself."

"I know, I won't," I say.

"So watcha making?" Lucas asks.

"Scrambled eggs they're done if you want some," I say.

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