China x NK (The Village)🖤

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(This is really sad, so sorry. Song Chapter btw, which is basically a chapter based around a song, with lyrics in it, if you don't like those feel free to skip. Lyrics in Italic)

WARNINGS: Self Harm, attempted suicide,Transphobia, homophobia, slight hurt/comfort

           China pulled his legs against his chest and let out a quiet sob as the song played in his ear. No your mom don't get it and your dad don't get it, Uncle John don't get it. He let out a shaky breath, Russia, Pakistan, really, most of the third world countries. And you can't tell grandma cause her heart can't take it. Oh... North.... North Korea, his dear Friend. Another sob tore through the heartbroken country as the thought of North's disgusted face entered his mind. He had been at North's house and was changing in the guest room when North had burst in, only to see China's top surgery scars.

         They say don't dare, don't you even go there, cutting off your long hair, you do as you're told. China winced as memory's of all the different transphobic rants he's heard North go on, and yet he still foolishly fell for him, hard. He remembered back when he and America were friends, back before he had transitioned. He remembered the harsh words America had said when China came out. How stupid he must've been. Tell you wake up go put on your makeup, this is just a phase you're gonna outgrow. 

         He remembered having to spend hours, covering his face in makeup, trying to fit in and express his culture, all the while his country disrespected him for being female. There's something wrong in the village, in the village. He remembered countless nights staying up crying, trying to convince himself that there was nothing wrong with him. That it was everyone else that was wrong, but it was so hard, so so hard.

          They stare in the village, in the village. China remembered back when he first transitioned, the hate he got, it hurt so much he had split. He laughed to himself, he was so emotionally unstable he split often. Why should this time be any different? There's nothing wrong with you it's true, it's true. He remembered when Japan came out, sobbing, he had pulled her to the side, after so many country's made transphobic comments, and he said those exact words to her, close to crying himself as he pulled her into a gentle hug, he had told her it would be fine, that she was strong and would be able to get through this, only to find there were already so many countries ready to support her, something he never got.

          He stood and took the blade from the bathroom counter before sitting back down, looking at it thoughtfully. There's something wrong with the village, with the village. There's something wrong with the village. Every word of hate and disrespect, maybe he deserved it. Japan didn't deserve what he went through, so why was he so angry with the support she got? Maybe he was a monster. 

          Feel the rumors follow you from Monday all the way to Friday dinner. You got one day shelter then it's Sunday hell to pay you young lost sinner. He remembered the European countries and America threatening him with hell and trying to preach to him, constantly. He hated it, he hated all of it. When he blinked, allowing the tears to fall and his vision to clear, he noticed his arm was already littered with cuts. "Well I've been there sitting in that same chair, whispering that same prayer, half million times. It's a lie though bury in disciples one page of the bible isn't worth a life!" China's voice broke as he practically shouted the last part of the lyric, tears flowing down his eyes as he looked toward the ceiling. 

          He stood up and slammed his hands into the counter, ignoring the blood dripping down his arms as he stared in the mirror and continued to sang, "There's something wrong in the village, in the village!" He looked at his eyes, which were so red from crying they looked like his flag, "They stare in the village, in the village! There's nothing wrong with you, it's true, it's true! There's something wrong with the village, with the village! There's something wrong with the village!" He yelled and slammed his fist into the mirror, ignoring the glass now raining around him, ignoring the blood, the tears, the anger. The fear.

          China breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down. He slowly slid down the the floor and leaned against a nearby wall, looking up at the ceiling, numbing himself to the world. There's something wrong in the village, in the village! He just wanted to be normal, he wanted to be happy, he just wanted people to understand. He wanted to be himself. They stare in the village, in the village! There's nothing wrong with you, it's true, it's true. There's something wrong with the village, with the village. Something wrong with the village. He let out a sad sigh and closed his eyes, letting his wrist bleed out onto the floor, Everyone would probably be a lot happier, if China disappeared anyway.

          He slowly picked up the phone and opened the country group-chat. He slowly typed out what he wanted to say, sorry for the inconvenience, I doubt I'll be able to bother you much longer. He watched as America responded first, asking what was going on, if he was okay. China chuckled to himself. Typical America with his damn hero complex. He felt his vision darkening and he set aside his phone, welcoming the darkness. Suddenly the door burst open and he faintly saw North Korea standing in the doorway, a terrified expression on his face. China gave him a weak smile, "Isn't this what you wanted?"

          North tore off his shirt and skidded toward China, tears pricking his eyes, "Damnit China, of course not!" He brought the bleeding arm towards him and wrapped his shirt around it, holding back tears. China stared at him, "Bu- but I'm trans, I thought you hated trans people." North shook his head harshly, "No no no. I did but, I could never hate you, damnit China I love you." China stared at him, was he dying? Was he imagining things because he was so close to death? North pulled out his phone and called the ambulance before placing the phone on his shoulder and holding it with his head, allowing him to pick up the injured country bridal style. China gave him a smile and rested his head against North's chest, "I love you too..."


         The following months were filled with North never leaving China's side, and once China was able to leave the hospital, North took him to his own house.

.... (Fluff starts here)

         China woke up to the feeling of sunshine on his face, he groaned and turned over, planning to go back to sleep, only to hear the door open, "Hey my nuke, how are you feeling? I got you some breakfast." China sat up and gave North a tired smile, causing the country to blush lightly. North looked away and handed China the platter. China smiled, "Thank you North, for everything." North blushed and covered his mouth. China watched as he took a deep breath before sitting on the bed beside China. The red country tilted his head to the side, curious. North took another deep breath and pulled China into a hug, "I have a question." China's face turned even more red, if that was even possible and squeaked out a reply, "Yes?"

          North bit his lip anxiously, "I know we promised not to talk about that day, but we, I told you how I really felt, and you told me you loved me and I was wondering if you would care to be my boyfriend?" China grinned and twisted himself so he could hug the, shorter country back, "Of course I will." North hummed in response and hid rested his head on top of China's, pleased that he finally got what he wanted, no, needed after so long.

(1369 words, I'm kinda proud, I mean, I've written more than that before, but I think this is a nice chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and please point out any mistakes I've made. Also I'm not trans so please tell me if I wrote something wrong, thank you <3)

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