Space Race (But Fluffier) (part 2) 💞

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(PART TWO IS HERE WHOOP WHOOP! Anyway this is the second part and the last, I really hope you enjoy. Same reminder as last chapter, I do not approve of the actions of the Soviet union, I just like to write
Characters: USSR and trans ftm America
Warnings: Panic attack, nightmare, slight angst (with comfort) mentions of transphobia)

          It took about two days to reach the space station and that time was mostly taken up with making sure the shuttle was running smoothly and of course sleeping breaks. America's favorite part as when Soviet pulled him over to the window, his face was glowing and America felt his heart warm. The two looked out the window in complete silence, not arguing, just serene peace.

          America was buzzing with excitement when they reached the Countryhuman Space Station. Everyone filed inside and the humans got to work, while another one led them to their sleeping quarters where they would leave their stuff. The capitalist country frowned before putting his stuff down and leaving to explore, he'd put it away later, the moment he left he bumped into a certain communist country. Soviet jumped and steadied America, keeping him from falling backward, "Careful capitalist." America rolled his eyes, "We're in space, you can relax. Calling me 'capitalist' is a little over the top, don't you think, Sov?" Soviet blinked in shock before letting out a huff of annoyance and walking off. America pouted, guess Soviet is back to his usual mysterious and cold demeanor. 

          The rest of the day was spent exploring, and America didn't see Soviet once. Instantly America tried to push down the disappointment that was building in his chest. He trudged back to his room only to stop in front of Soviet's when he heard the faint sound of singing. The debate on whether he should stay and listen did not last nearly as long as it should as America leaned onto the door and listened to the sound of Soviet's bass voice sing a Slavic lullaby. Soon exhaustion began to wear down on America's bones and as soon as the song ended America entered his own room. He changed into something more comfortable, and let out a relaxed breath as he threw off his binder and into a corner. Half asleep, he crawled into his bed and fell asleep.

          The screaming was so loud. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere and nowhere. America's breathing came fast and sharp, or was he breathing at all?  He was shaking? No. Someone was shaking him. Instantly he sat straight up with a gasp, shocked hen he realized he was the one screaming. In front of him was something big and red. Warm, with glowing yellow eyes. Oh. Soviet was standing over him, his hands on America's shoulders. Slowly he felt himself calm down and he looked down in shame, he must have woken up the country. "America are you okay?" Soviet asked, his gruff voice laced with worry. America, however, was not okay.

          Everything seemed to swim around him and his breath became panicked, oh god he hoped Soviet would not look at his chest. "No, I'm fine just a nightmare, I'm sure everything would be fine if you just left and went back to sleep," America stammered, thanking every god that might be out there for the fact his voice didn't raise in pitch. Soviet's eyes creased in increase worry and he gently tilted America's head to face him, "America what's...? Oh." Horror swirled in America's chest like a hurricane as shock covered Soviet's head. He had looked down.

          America stood and pushed Soviet quickly out the door and locked it before sliding to the floor. Oh this couldn't be happening. Oh please tell me this isn't happening, he thought as he buried his head between his knees. He tried to ignore the silence, Soviet had probably left, disgusted. What was America even thinking? Falling for a homophobic transphobe when he was both.

          A small knock on the door caused the trembling country to jump, but he didn't respond. After a little while Soviet's voice floated through the door, soft and sweet, something America would never have expected to come from the country, "America please let me in. I'm not going to hurt you." America shook his head, he had to be lying, why wouldn't he hurt him. This thought didn't stop him from opening the door.

           His breath left him as he was pulled into a hug, "Please don't push me away." Tears began to prick at his eyes as he laid his head on Soviet's chest, gently hugging him back. His heart slowed down as Soviet began to speak, "You don't have to worry, I'm not going to hurt you, it's okay, I'm right here." America let the union lead him to his own bed, "You don't hate me?" Soviet laughed and sat the two down, "No, of course not. How could I hate someone I love?"

          America's breath hitched in his throat, "You what?" He could hear Soviet's heart begin to race, "Yeah, I'm sorry if you don't feel the same, it kind of came as a shock since..." America let out a short laugh, "I love you too you awkward goof." Soviet fell silent and lifted America's face to meet his, his eyes searching for any trace of a lie. He found none. A smile stretched across his red face and he leaned forward, catching America's lips in his own. Everything slowed down and America leaned in. This had to be a dream, none of this could be real, but the feeling of Soviet's chapped lips on his most definitely was not part of any of his fantasies, He pulled back and poked Soviet's forehead, "You, my good sir, need chapstick."

           Soviet laughed and leaned against the wall, pulling America's back against his chest, "I'm a cold country." America hummed, "That doesn't stop you from using chapstick." Soviet sighed and gently placed his head on America's. The two stayed silent, just listening to the sound of the other's breathing. "Feeling better?" Soviet asked with a smile. America blushed and looked down, "Yeah..." And that's how the two stayed, until they eventually fell asleep. Two sworn enemies, trapped together in space, cuddled up in a warm embrace.

(I hoped you liked this, I know it isn't the best, but I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Honestly, while Sovame isn't my go to ship, I really do enjoy it, since I am, indeed, a multishipper. Again, I hope you enjoyed and please have a great day/night. <3)

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