Darker yet Darker...

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Jessica POV

Everything was really dark...I tried to open my eyes but it failed to work...I was in a empty void...I could not feel anything...till I felt...something....

Gaster POV

I used my magic to heal her...
What the FUCK just happened...
She slowly sat up grabbing her wounds before her whole body glitched and they were gone...
"What the-" I said with confusion.
Man...I wish alphys was here...
I sat up from the white bed I had my head on...or the one Jessica was laying on...what a coincidence that she happened to be as confused as I was...
"U..gh my head...w-what happened..?"
She said as she grabbed her head.  I explained what had happened and how she had looked...she looks away for a second blushing.  I wondered why so I looked down to see I had my hand on her leg.  I quickly pulled back out of embarrassment.  I apologized as much as I could and there was a moment of silence...
She said trying to start a conversation.  "What do you think had happened to me-"  She said as j looked away.
"Well it could have somthing with the glitches that have been happening like how chara came back and how Betty- and then ho-"  I continued to talk noticing Jessica was staring directly at me, listening to everything I was saying.  "Oh- was I talking to much- I'm sorry miss Jessica-"
I said sitting back up.  "Hey Gaster I said you could call me Jessica..."
I apologized and went back to figuring out why Jessica was still alive.  When I was sitting there Papyrus walked in.  "HELLO MISS JESSICA!  I SEE YOUR FINALLY AWAKE- I DONT THINK HUMANS ARE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP THAT MUCH-"  Papyrus said looking at her.  She titled her head then looked at me.  "Uhm...how long WAS I out for-"
I look at her and then look away and put my hand on the back of my head..
"Maybe about...a week-"
"A WEEK-"  Jessica yelled with a hint of fear in her voice.  I looked at her then ran to my books again.  Before my battle with Betty, I had been reading about glitches in this world timeline and things about the player...only me and Sam's know about player so then...



I paused.  I had stumbled across a page about glitching and saw what was happening...
The world timeline had been glitching around because of F_RIS


Its rude to talk about someone who is listening....

- Chara...because chara continued her journey without a reset...Betty was made to disable this world timeline...that's how the glitches were made so that means...



Jessica is a glitch...

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