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Gaster POV

Jessica...is a glitch
Does that mean she is like who chara was...powered by hate or...ugh..this is gonna take alot of thinking...
Jessica put her hand on my shoulder and I flinched from the sudden touch but relaxed.
"What's wrong miss Jessica?"
She glared at me...
"AH- I MEAN JESSICA-" she smiled as I said that.  She ended up hugging me and I sat down but she refused to let go.  "Uhm. You ok miss- I mean- you ok Jessica?" I said slightly shaking from her touch.  It felt warm and scared...I layed back into her arms a bit and we sit there for a second before she layed down.  I went to get up but she grabbed my coat and pulled me into the bed with her.  I was sweating as she held me.
"Uhm- J-Jessica-" I said looking away...no respond...*sigh* she is asleep..I lay in bed wondering what happend maybe try to get everything through my head...all that came into my head is what happened with the rocks and I held Jessica tighter...that WONT happen again...I'll get stronger if I have too...I slowly got up careful not to wake Jessica and walked to my books...so of chara was only alive with hate then why is Jessica here...it must be some thing stronger than hate...and with that where does the energy come from...ARG! *CRASH* I threw the books out of frustration.  Thankfully it did not wake miss Jessica but still...I looked at her...she looked...
I walked over and got under covers with her and slept...

Jessica POV

I opened my eyes to feel a nice warmth coming from next to me...its like my soul was pulling me towards it as I scooted closer only to realize it was Gaster..
"Eep-" I said covering my mouth.  It was to nice I did not want to move.  He looked so relaxed and exhausted...I slipped out of bed and went down stairs

Gaster POV

I woke up feeling cold so I got up...what happend...I went back to my books...hm....I still have to figure- wait...hate is filled with anger...so then...Jessica seemed happy not mad...so then....




Jessica is not filled with hate...but love...

But for who?

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