Chapter 4

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~Frankie's POV~ 

Gee Gee told me to go away, so I did. He didn't want me around. He doesn't love me anymore. I'm not sure what I did, though. I just wanted to help him. It made me sad. 

It was cold outside, and I was scared. I tried to  keep myself warm, by folding my arms across my chest, but I was still cold. The wind blew in my face as I walked. The sky was gray, and it was raining a little. A tear rolled down my cheek and I sniffled. 

I didn't know where I was, there were people walking around, a smile spread across my face as I saw a cute little puppy that someone was walking. I crouched down and pet it, letting out a giggle. 

"He's cute." I said, it licked my face, making me giggled even more. 

"Thank you. Um, excuse me but, where are you parents, little boy?" The lady asked me.   

I looked up at her. "They're just uh, just over there, I came over to see the puppy." I lied. "I should get back to them." I ran off and rounded a corner so she could see me anymore. 

I caught my breath and sighed with relief. What do I do now? Where do I go? I sat there and thought about it. 

It started raining even more and I was really cold now. I just had my jeans and tee shirt on, that Gee Gee gave me. 

"Gee Gee." I whined, my lip wobbling and tears building up in my eyes. I hugged my knees and put my head on my knees. I just cried, I felt really sad. 

"I love you, Frankie." 

"I love you too, Gee Gee."  

I cried even more. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go. I was so scared. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Someone asked, I looked up to see a police officer. "Where are you parents?" 

"They're....... Uh...." I didn't know what to say. 

"Come on, let's get you down to the station to figure it out." She held out a hand, I stood up and instead of taking it, I ran. I ran in the opposite direction, and heard her calling after me, but I just kept running. 


I got up from the bench that I was sleeping on and wondered around. I wasn't sure where to go. There were a lot of people around, and it was a bit noisy. I saw these round, soft looking things with holes in them, they had different colors on top and they looked really good. I reached my hand up to grab one

"Stay away from those." Some lady said. 

"Hey, that was mean." I said, beginning to cry. I then just left the store, wiping my nose. I rubbed my hand, which hurt. "That wasn't nice." 

I saw people drinking coffee and eating breakfast, the stuff they were eating looked really good. I went up to a table, I could barely see over it. "Excuse me, where did you get that?" 

"I got it at this cafe here, why?" The man replied.  

"When I tried to get one, the lady slapped my hand. How did you get it?" 

He gave a light laugh. "I gave her money for it. Why don't you ask you parents to help you with it." 

I sighed and walked away, mumbling a simple, 'thanks'. 

~Gerard's POV~ 

I was in a panic. Frankie was gone, I couldn't find him yesterday. I got up this morning, and first thing, I went to look for him. Where would he have gone? He was out there all by himself, what if someone hurt him? I got more and more worried by the minute. 

"Frankie!" I called. "Frankie where are you!" It was raining and cold, I had a coat, but Frankie didn't. 

"Exuse me, ma'am?" I asked a lady walking by. "Have you seen a little boy with black hair, he's a bit shorter than me, uh, he has jeans and a tee shirt on?" 

"Um, I'm sorry, no. You should contact the police about it." She replied. 

I ran off to continue my search for him. "Frankie!" 

I didn't know what to do, where would he go? He doesn't know his way around here. I shouln't have yelled at him, it's all my fault, I'm such an idiot. I ran around town, asking people about him but non of them had seen him. My tennis shoes pattered across the sidewalk and my heart raced. It was now around noon, and I was really worried.  

"Hey! Could you be a bit more careful!?" Pete shouted. I looked down and remembered that I had Patrick and Pete in the pocket on my shirt. 

"Oh, sorry." I replied. They held on tight and I started running again. They insisted that they come help me find Frankie. 

"Where do you think he went?" Patrick asked. 

"I don't know." I replied. "What do you think?" 

"Maybe he went to the park?" He answered with.  

I nodded and started over in that direction.  


"Frankie!" I called out. I walked around the vacant park as night fell. "I.... I didn't mean it." I said, my voice echoed. "Come back, Frankie!"  

I dropped to the ground, not caring that I got my pants all dirty. My bottom lip wobbled and my eyes flooded with tears. It's all my fault. What if he's hurt? I wanted him to come back. 

"Frankie, where are you." I cried. "Please come back." Patrick had a sad expression on his face and he patted my chest, trying to comfort me. 

I was getting cold and it was dark. It's not very safe to be out here like this at night, and that's one reason I worried about Frankie so much. What if someone hurts him? I put my hands over my eyes and cried. I felt really sad. 

Why did I yell at him?  

~Frankie's POV~  

"I love you, Frankie."  

"He doesn't anymore." I said to myself, my lip was starting to wobble. "But I still love him, even if he doesn't love me. I miss him. But he probably doesn't miss me." 

"Don't do that!"  I said. "They're you drawings."  

"I don't care!"  Gee Gee yelled."They're stupid!"    

The room fell silent and he continued to crumbled his drawings up. I sat on top of some boxes. "Gee Gee?"  

"What do you want!?"   

"I want to make you feel better." I said, hopping down off of the boxes.  

"Well I don't want you to! Just go away!" 

A tear ran down my cheek. "He told me to go away." I said. "Gee Gee doesn't love me anymore." 

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