Chapter One: Stop and Stare.

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She led a complicated life. People would call her crazy if they knew the philosophy behind it but she never said a word to anyone. Just accepted the fact that people thought she was crazy and gave them all the reason to wonder. She also held an appeal; no one could unravel the mystery behind her. She was pining over a broken heart, a heart so damaged that she was scared of even thinking of the institution of love. She knew her limits and she took refuge in fantasy. The only place where she would be truly and completely happy.

He, on the other hand, was so much into reality that no one could deter his enthusiasm to live. His philosophy was just to live each day like it was his last. There was nothing that could discourage him when he decided to do something. He always took challenges that came his way and conquered them and the scarce ones he couldn’t, he tried again and again, until he succeeded. There was this drive in him, a drive that everyone envied. But like everybody else, he was human after all. You cut him and he would bleed.

These two people were opposites in every way. Happy and sad, hot and cold, witty and depressed.

But, like they say, opposites attract and when that happens all hell breaks loose. 

She crossed the street and hurried into the bar. She needed the drink more than ever that day. She was agitated and full of thoughts. She thought she was gonna burst if she didn't let is loose.  She entered the bar and as soon as she saw Seth bar tending she sighed, relieved. He was the one she could always count on.

The bar was packed. People all around her dancing, singing, happy and gay. And here she was, brooding over how sucky life could be. But well, that came naturally to her. She couldn’t help being like this.

“Seth, my man. I’m glad you’re here.” She said and Seth glanced over. One look and he knew she needed an ear. He motioned over to his bar-mate to take over and walked over to her.

“What do you want, babe?” He asked and she sighed again.

“Vodka. On the rocks.” She said and it was Seth’s turn to sigh. He knew his evening just blew out of the window but she was a friend, albeit a wacko one at that but a friend none the less. He poured her the vodka and tossed in some ice.

“Come on, tell me what happened.” He ordered and she smiled thankfully.

“I had the worst day ever. Man, I hate Thursday's. You know how I have been feeling since it came back on but lately it’s been driving me absolutely crazy! And this one was the last straw for me.” She wailed and the man sitting beside her gave her a curious glance.

He saw an agitated woman. Sad and blaming the whole freaking world. He also saw a sympathizing bar tender and that was better than watching his date dance with a stranger, letting him rape her on the dance floor.

“Yeah, so you know how much I hate Bonnie but this time she crossed ALL the limits! Do you know what she did?! You won’t believe what she did! That witch! If I could just get my hands around her, I swear I would snap her neck! She’s mean and always trying to manipulate people and I hate her! I mean she’s not even supposed to be like this! She’s supposed to love him! Not try and burn him every time he came in front of her, but she does and I hate that! And then the most shocking thing happened. This blew me over! Kat is dating Mason! Can you believe that?! She’s freaking dating him and they're leaving him all alone, with everyone hating on him and I just can’t take it anymore!” She shouted the last words. Anyone listening to her would think she was telling her life story but Seth knew better.

“Aww, I’m sorry, baby. That’s why I say you should turn gay. I know that’s better.” Seth said and a small smile curved around her lips, but she was still tormented and he watched her fascinated. He thought her relationship was complicated. If only he knew.

Love As We Know It.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora