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to be continued .......

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. NIV

Let's pick up from where we left off. I explained to you that you need to know the word to be connected with God and I shared my experience in falling from the grace of God.


It's ok to date and have feelings for the opposite gender/sex. I started a relationship with somebody that I didn't really know but after every break-up and makeup, I learned that relationships like that are not healthy for me or my spiritual life with God. I let go of that person and killed any feelings that I have or had for him. It also helped a lot when I prayed to help for guidance to forget about that person.

So in between all of that up and down I thought I had found the real me being in the relationship but I was wrong I was changing myself into someone that I'm not or will not be I was doing things to make him happy not coinciding how I would feel in the end or what I would say to my God. He is forgiving but his forgiveness comes with a cost that we don't know of until it's time and I had paid my cost and I'm praying I don't make any mistakes to pay for it.

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