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We are getting a little warmer meaning to the end.

"Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship The, everybody say it"

I always sing this song and think or just look back on my life making the song speak to me. This is the first verse to the song "Create in Me a Clean Heart"   by Donnie McClurkin. There is two versions the old and new and this is the new one and I love it, I love the words and how they calm your mind and make you think about all the mistakes and trouble that you had made and had faced.

"Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship The
Cast me not away from Thy presence
Please don't take your spirit from me
And restore the joy of salvation
So that I may worship The"

This next part is like a next power movement or something like that. The word means a lot to me cause I reflect on everything and this song is like a song of forgiveness to me I don't know about others but that is what it is to me. God is a very jealous God and I don't mean human jealousy. When you make mistakes as a Christian and then after you look back on what you had done it eats you up it makes it hard to forgive yourself cause you knew it was wrong but it felt ok to do at that time but when it comes back to you feel bad and just feel like you want to just die of shame. But guess what when we are beating up ourselves God as already forgave us. 


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