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We, humans, are wicked from the being of time until now. Do you want to know why I started out like that? while in the bible God sent a flood to destroy every living breathing human on earth because he saw how man had turned away from him and was sinning so he called on his servant Noah and told him of the flood and the reason for the flood. 

After the flood, God blessed Noah and his three sons and their wives to be fruitful in having children on the earth that he God had made. We are a generation of Noah's children. 

Anyways back to why we are wicked. The only reason we can be saved is because of JESUS if he had not come to earth we would be .............I don't even know what we would be right now but I'm greatful that he had come to save us from our sins. That's where I answer the question from the start. 

~Cain killed his own brother: humans nowadays will kill a family member for just a piece of land or for a small amount of money which can't help to buy rice to eat.

~Kingdoms went to war for land or woman: we have defense forces to fight our own people.

~Women sell themselves for money: both men and women sell them life for money.

~People fought in markets: now people kill you in market areas.

I wonder if you get where I'm going with this cause I hope you do cause I won't explain it cause you are smart enough to understand.


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