Chapter 17: Facing The Monster

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"So what is it you wanted to tell me?" Doctor Azeezah raised her eyebrows in unison. The expression on her face tells that she's all ears.

Humaira fell silent and anxious, staring at the ceiling, then... To the floor. She didn't know how to start the conversation with Doctor Azeezah but she was sure of one thing. If there was ever a time to speak up,  That time is now.

"You travelled all the way from Zaria to Abuja just to talk to me. So please, say something. Tell me whatever happened in school. I'll help you through, the best I can." Doctor Azeezah begged, knowing the kind of person that Humaira was.

"Okay... " Humaira took out a deep breath."It's not about school issue, it's about me. Ma, I found out three days ago that I am pregnant." Her voice faded while saying the last word.

It felt like reality struck her hard on the face.

"What? You're pregnant?" Doctor Azeezah cried, digesting the words.

"Yes ma... " she replied with tears feathering in her eyes.

"For who?"

''It happened about a month ago when my mum was still very sick.  A friend of my dad offering to help me with mum's surgery money only if I meet him at Nicon Hotel. It was late at night, he drugged and raped me."

"What?! Who is he exactly? What's his name?!!"

"He's Alhaji Musa Adamu... "Humaira admitted, fearfully.

"What? Musa is at it again? Subhanallah!!" She placed her hands on her head as if she was trying to say there's trouble.

Humaira was astonished to know Doctor Azeezah knows him already. "Do you know him ma?"

"Subhanallah! Why don't you tell me about this earlier?! Huh??! I would have given you better advice or avoided you from going to that monster. Alhaji Musa tormented your mother! He betrayed your father, Humaira! You should have nothing to do with a beast like him. Didn't you know?" The doctor asked, astonishment plastered her curious eyes.

"My parents always took me to him, I thought he would be kind enough or help us still. I had no idea something like this would ever have happened. He raped me twice ma and didn't give me the money as promised." Humaira tried to explain but chocked on her words.

"How much did he promise you?"

"One million naira."

"One what?! That greedy pig would never let any Kobo fall into anyone's hand except he takes from others. I can't believe you actually believed him. What were you expecting when he asked you into an hotel? You children of now adays think you're smarter than you look. How old are you?"

"I'm 18 ma."

"Imagine,  just 18 years old and pregnant. Your future in on the line my dear. I want to let you know something today, Humaira. Your mum's last words were 'my children... My children.'  I promised to care and cheeks both of you like my own. That was a promise I made to your mother and I won't rest until I fulfil it. Breaking promises is not my thing so... Hmmm... I'll advice we act fast on this issue before it gets out of hand. I don't mind facing that Alhaji for your sake. He should be arrested for this! I can't believe he would go this far! Habaa!!!" She exclaimed in pain.

"What should we do ma, I'm confused." She retorted, wippi g off the tears that were already pouring down her cheeks. "I went to meet him earlier but he denied being responsible. He even th...hreatened to kill me if I don't abort this pregnancy?"

"What? He don't mean it!" Her eyes sparked.

Doctor Azeezah was terrified at what Humaira just said.
"How can he say that to you when he planted it there?!" Then she suddenly calmed her voice and sat on the bed, right next to Humaira.
"You know what? It's all your fault, Humaira. Despite what your mum had gone through, now this? I'm so disappointed in you, Humaira. I never expected this… You should have confided in me and told me about this incident long ago. I would have foght this case with you till the end. Even if you're pregnant with his child, I'll make sure he accepts it in front of the whole world! What did he think you are? A piece of trash?!… Don't worry, I'll inform a brother of mine in Justice Police station. He's the D.P.O. there." She quickly picked up her phone, and scrolled through her saved contacts.

"Yes, Here it is!!" She muttered with a glim of relieve on her face. She dialed the number immediately.

"Good Evening sir, It's Doctor Azeezah… Am I speaking with Mr. Aremu Awolowo sir?"

"Yes, it's me on the call. Hope no problem, Doctor Azeezah?" He recognized her voice and number immediately. He was a friend of her late husband.

"An issue came up with a daughter of mine and I'm hoping you could somehow, help us through." She started.

”Okay, what is it about?”

"A certain Alhaji Musa Adamu drugged and raped my daughter. This happened a month ago in Nicon Luxury Hotel after which he promised to help her with a million naira for her mother's surgery."

"Was there a contract signed to this?"

"No but_"

"Was there a third person to this? I mean… Did anyone witness the gripping and rapping?"

"No sir but there_”

"Okay, we'll need an evidence that this actually happened else, we might loose this case after dragging him to court. You know how prominent and well connect he is?" He muttered.

"But the girl is pregnant right now and he's denying that fact. He's threatening to kill her as well.. Please, for the sake of my late husband, help me sir. This girl is an orphan and she's under my care. I know you can do something..." Doctor Azeezah begged.

"Okay, you have to calm down Doctor Azeezah. Send me the number of the room they booked that day, the day, time and date in which both of them met at the hotel. I'll do all in my power to get justice for  your daughter. Perhaps, I've been trying to settle several cases about this same Alhaji Musa Adamu..."

"What? I can't believe it!!"

"Isn't he the director of COLFOLDS Company? The one in Garki!"

"Yes, He's the one. How do you know him so well?" She asked as confusion laced her voice.

"It's either he defraud other business companies or doing what he's good at. But he's rich enough to bribe and buy the best lawyers in order to defend himself in court. Alhaji Musa is just undefeatable. I pray God exposes him this time." Mr. Aremu muttered.

"Amin oo…" Doctor Azeezah replied with hope.

''I'll have to invest this issue personally and check the CCTV of that particular day. I promise to give you a call before tomorrow."

''Okay, thanks a lot Mr. Aremu. May God Almighty help us through this case."

"Amen! Okay bye now, I have to complete a task at hand so that I can work on your case, okay?" He explained, slipping through some files in his table.

"Okay sir. I'll message you the details immediately." She cuts the call and takes the details from Humaira.

'25th August, Friday night between 12:00 p.m to 6:00 a.m, in room 406.'

"Don't worry Humaira, Almighty Allah is on our side, believe. It's high time to expose that monster to the public. I'll make sure he pays 50 million to the court and you girls would live a better life. I won't rest until I see you get your justice, Humaira." Doctor Azeezah assured.

Out of emotions, Humaira paralyzed in tears on doctor Azeezah's shoulder. She was relieved that somehow, she would get the justice she deserves.

"It was all my fault... You had to go through this for me." Humaira couldn't help but to blame herself for whatever she's going through. I hate myself right now. I feel so disgraced. I know I can't thank you enough ma... Thank you." Humaira thanked the doctor endlessly. Not knowing that Zainab was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1,270.

So... I updated two chapters as promised. For those following my everything move on Wattpad, A mighty 'Thank You' to you all. Please and please, leave funny comments on this page so I'll get inspired to write more.

I'm sure there's punctuation and grammatical mistakes in here some how. Please, notify me if seen.

Enjoy reading  and please, don't forget to press the tiny orange star ★ at the end of each chapter to notify me you've actually read it… So! What are we waiting for! Get ready for this story of family, adventure, mystery and plot twists.

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