Chapter 1

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Techno Pov

I wake up from the sleep I had last night. I do the same thing I do everyday, I shower, get dressed, feed floof, take me and floof to the car, the driver gets me food to go, and I get to the office, say goodbye to floof and give floof to whoever takes care of him/her?, My manager tells me the deals we accepted from other companies, movies I would star in, and so on.

I don't mind starring in movies actually, some of my friends are actors. My friends conclude of the famous couple Skeppy and Bad, MegaPvP the mute that lots of girls have a crush on, and more.

Clay Pov

My friend, George and Sapnap came over to my house earlier this morning. They won't stop telling me that I was perfect for the modeling business. George was a model, quite popular, to be honest, and Sapnap he was an actor, famous too. "Okay, Okay! If I apply for the model thingy, will you leave me alone?" Confident I wouldn't get in. Sapnap and George look a each other and nodded "We won't bother you for a whole week". "Good enough for me" I smirk.

It was still early in the morning but Sapnap and George somehow convinced me to apply today. We quickly hopped into Sapnap's fancy Tesla, and drove off to a large fancy building, that looked like it had 100 stories. We walk inside, people staring at me from right to left, I shrugged it off and thought that they were just surprised I was with Sapnap and George, I didn't even notice most of them were red. Almost everybody stared at me, I wasn't really the type to care about people's opinions, so I just kept following behind my two friends. If your wondering why were friends we've been friends since high school. We finally got to the office and I filed in my application and waited for my turn to be called.

After what seemed like years, I finally get called in, I walk towards the door holding the door knob I look behind me and George gives me a thumbs up i snicker a bit.

I walk into the room, and the interviewer had their mouth wide open. "Uhm.. hello, my name is Clay" as I give an awkward look. "You're so dreamy?" She whispers but I still hear, she doesn't realize though. " I came here for the interview?". "Oh yes! Tell me the stuff you can do"

"I can act, sing an-"

"Your accepted!"

My eyes widened in shock and terror, I didn't want to do this, but it is a good paying job.. "o-oh thanks?"

"You start next week" she smiles then tilts her head.

I walk outside and see the two talking to each other. They both look at me "sooo... How did it go?" Sapnap questions raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and look to the side, my hand already on my forehead. "I got in" as I let out a sigh, I could already hear the screaming. "YESSSS!!!!" "LETSSS GOO!!!". "shut up" then I remembered "you have to avoid me for a WHOLE week" I felt a smile creep onto my cheeks as both of them sigh and roll their eyes. "Well... Then I can't drive you home" Sapnap said pouting at me.
"WAIT NO!! You can avoid me starting tomorrow!" "Fine".

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