Chapter 3

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"Alright then, little one, become my submissive," he smirked

I gasped, aloud and began to stutter,

"Any-anything b-but..."

"No, babygirl, you said anything, well, this is what I choose, become my submissive or go to jail,"

At this point, he pulled out a key, undid the handcuffs keeping me locked to the chair and took a few paces back across the room, probably because now he knew that he didn't need chains to keep me here. He had me exactly where he wanted me and I was helpless to his every desire. Though being the brat I am, instead of submitting and agreeing to his terms, I made one of the most stupid decisions I could have done in that moment...

"Fuck you, that's blackmail!"

In less than a second, he was across the room again and had me over his lap.

"GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO!!" I screamed and kicked and punched him, for a minute he let me until he had enough of my tantrum,

"Stop squirming. Now. Or this will only get worse for you." His commanding yet smooth and sexy voice was enough to get me to obey his every wish. I stopped struggling and lay, humiliated, over this strangers knee.

"So, what do you say doll? Going to make the right decision? After all, 20 years in prison, hmm, you wouldn't get out until you're what, 40? What a waste of such a pretty little life, we wouldn't want that now, would we...?"

"39," I corrected, still angry at him for holding me in this humiliating position,

"Don't fucking test me, keep your mouth shut, do you hear me?" His words shot through me like shards of ice. I was paralysed and speechless. Apparently "speechless" was not the reaction he wanted because a moment later...


"I SAID DO YOU HEAR ME?" He roared, he was clearly out of patience and it was starting to scare the crap out of me


"Yes what?"

"Yes sir, I hear you, I'm sorry..."

"Good, now that we have sorted out your obedience problem, you are going to be punished for breaking into my home, disrespecting me and to top it all off, threatening to accuse me of RAPE. What kind of punishment do you think that deserves, babygirl?"

He was dragging it out, torturing me. I didn't know what to say "I don't know sir, I'm sorry, please don't punish me," I beg him. That one smack hurt bad enough and I had a sneaky suspicion that it could only get worse...

He sighed, it was 4AM and he was probably exhausted. Heck, I was exhausted! "I have to punish you, kitten," he reasoned calmly, "if I don't, you're only going to get worse, and since we will be spending a lot of time together from now on, I need you to learn to be good,"

"Then... can I at least know your name...?

"Jasper, Jasper Carslile, CEO of Infotech Industries, the largest technological company in the city, now prepare for your spanking babygirl, cause I promise you, it's gonna hurt,"

New Habits (BDSM story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora