Chapter 7

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*Jaspers POV*

That naughty little kitten. I thought to myself as I left the house and the alarm on my phone let me know that Skye, too, had left right after me.

Okay, I thought, maybe she's just having a little fun, she will go back...

3 hours later, I get an alert that my spy camera book is overheating and check the visual. She has thrown the book into a pit of fire. Mature Skye, mature.

Fuck. I think to myself, that was an expensive bit of kit! It's not like I don't have the money to replace it but it was perfect, especially if a burglar of 2 years missed it. That was when it hit me. The little bitch isn't coming back.

"She thinks she can escape me?" I say aloud, to no one in particular. I'll show her. I can find her anywhere...

I should have known Skye would sneak out, according to Evie, she has never been very good at obedience... that and that little drug habit of hers...

I'm glad Evie came to me when she did. If I hadn't met her in that bar, who knows what direction Skye's life could have taken?


I walk into the bar nearest to my house. I've never been there since I own so many clubs, I usually go to them but today I just want to forget that I'm that man. Today I want to be someone different...

Across the room, I spot a pretty, purple haired girl sobbing over a martini and decide to see if she's okay,

"Hey there, I'm Jasper, you look like you're having an awful day, what's up?"

She sniffles and glances up at me, "Oh, you know, just worrying over a friend..."

"What's up with your friend?" I ask her softly and I'm glad I do, for when she procedes to tell me that her best friend Skye is a heroin addict and robs houses to make a living, I instantly feel a connection to this girl and know I need to help her. The girl (who's name is Evie) continues to cry until I suggest a solution. I tell her I'm a Dom, and that if she helps me get Skye to stay with me, I will have her making the right life choices and off drugs in no time at all. So we make a plan, Evie suggests to Zach and Evie that they rob 17 Heathfield Drive and that brings us up to speed.


I know Evie feels terrible for putting Skye in that position, especially threatening Skye with police involvement but I told her it was in her best interests so she agreed. I would never have handed that video to the police anyway. Persecution doesn't help those with a problem, love and affection does.

The only thing I didn't anticipate is that Skye would be this much to handle. I grip the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white on my way to Evie's house. Evie text me that Skye was there but we agreed to tell Skye that I can hack the city's cameras to keep her in place.

I arrive at Evie's house and knock on the door. I hear Skye's small feet padding down the stairs and as she throws open the door, I see the look of utter fear on her face. Good. She's scared. She fucking will be by the time we get home and she hears her punishment. Heck, she never even stuck around to hear the rules but I will be sure to tell her which ones she's broken. No, I will be fucking glad. I take a moment to think of the calmest, yet cockiest, thing I can utter to scare the little thing and eventually say;

"Hello there, babygirl, where have you been today...?"

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