5 | любовь

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"If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me."

- Ben E. King

Nakano broke up with him a month into their relationship- something about Oikawa getting drunk too often and her having to pick up his wasted pieces. Iwaizumi should've been grateful.

Instead, he found himself wandering the hallways between classes, wondering how he could get Oikawa to talk to him again. The last month had been a mess of complicated phone calls and awkward practices.

He tried to get his attention. Iwaizumi would sit with a larger group during lunch, even though his heart was beating too fast for him to process anything they were saying. He'd make a point of high-fiving his teammates and praising them with over-the-top compliments. He knew Oikawa loved that.

But alas, it seemed that Oikawa would rather sit with strangers than with Iwaizumi- even when his girlfriend was no longer holding his hand.


Nakano called him that night, and with a breathless, tired voice, she asked Iwaizumi if what she'd done was right.

"Iwaizumi, I don't know if- I don't know why I did it."

He waited for her stifled sobs to cease, but his mind was blank. There was nothing he could say, because wasn't that the exact thing that he had also hated about Oikawa?

"You're Oikawa's best friend, right? I know- I'm sorry- I know I ruined your friendship. I'm sorry!"

Iwaizumi comforted her with pointless reassurances, things that he knew he didn't mean because he was so sick of Nakano. Why did she break up with him when she had everything he'd wanted for the last four years? It had barely taken any time for Oikawa to fall in love with her, and she'd let go of him so soon.

"It was so sudden- I didn't even realize I was sick of it until I just blurted it out."

"Why don't you try to talk to him tomorrow? I'm sure he'll understand."

The words were hollow, and so was Iwaizumi's heart. He was ashamed to admit that her soft wails filled the holes she'd previously carved with confidence.

"He probably thinks I'm going to pick him up from the party tonight. That's the kind of stupid person he is- he never takes anything seriously."

He barely needed to think. "I'll go get him."

Five minutes later and Iwaizumi's bike tires were skidding across the pavement. It was late already. He only hoped that Oikawa would be sleeping on the couch or passed out somewhere instead of trying to walk home. Iwaizumi kept his eyes scanned for him all the way until the front door.

It was a relief to find his friend in the backyard, sprawled across a blue lawn chair. His eyes were half-lidded but alert when he realized that someone was there. 


Iwaizumi grunted in response. "Get your ass up."

The few others sitting beside Oikawa looked up. They retreated back into the house upon seeing his stern face.

Oikawa suddenly looked very vulnerable. "Why are you here?"

"Nakano-san sent me to pick you up."

The boy's eyebrows furrowed for a few seconds before he rubbed his sleepy eyes with his palms. "She broke up with me."

"I heard."

Oikawa's eyes glinted- maybe he wasn't as drunk as Iwaizumi had thought. Slowly, he pushed himself up from the chair until his face was inches away from Iwaizumi's. 

"I- wa- chan," he pronounced. Iwaizumi's feet were planted firmly on the ground, even when Oikawa's breath was so close to him.

Oikawa's eyes were crossed as they tried to focus on Iwaizumi's nose. "I can understand love in any language, Iwaizumi. I know you love me."

The anger and frustration that had been building up inside of him were released by this simple statement. It shocked him out of his trance, and with a swift, fluid motion, he raised his hands and pushed Oikawa backwards, sending the other boy onto the grass.

Oikawa laughed. It wasn't even a mean laugh, but it was all Iwaizumi needed to turn around and bike home without him.

"Let me kiss you, Iwa-chan!"

a/n >:( mean, oikawa

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