Mission with Dr Oobleck

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Y/n and his team are in there dorm and Ruby is going nuts because Tai has sent something from home.

Ruby: Zewi.

Y/n: Hey there buddy.

Zewi jumped from Ruby into Y/n's arms licking his face.

Zewi: BARK

Weiss trys to act all mad but gives into the cuteness and Blake is up on Rubys bed.


Ruby and Y/n place Zewi in her bag and meet...

Oobleck: Well hello girls and Samurai.
Who's ready to fight for there lives.

Weiss: Professor Oobleck.

Dr Oobleck is talking so fast and

Oobleck: Now according to my schedule we are exactly 3 minutes behind schedule.

He then runs right to the bullhead.

Y/n: This will be interesting.

Later on they would arrive at the ruins and as Oobleck was asking Ruby why her bag was so important Zewi popped out and barked.

Ruby: Get back in the bag.

Zewi: (BARK)

Oobleck: We're here to investigate a area full of Grimm and hostility and you brought a dog.

Ruby: I uuhh-

Oobleck: GENIUS!

Oobleck talks fast and explains how dog are a great asset to have on missions

Ruby: I'm a genius.

Y/n was not surprised that Ruby brought Zewi.

Y/n: Oobleck I see some Beowulfs.

Oobleck: excellent Y/n now we just have to let them lead us to the whole pack.

Ruby: How long will that take?

Oobleck: Days, weeks, months. Well some have been known to stay separated from the pack for years and their's the whole pack.
And the spotted us.

Yang: What?


Team RWBY attacks the Grimm wiping them all out.
As the Beowulfs were killed along with the alpha.

Y/n: Guys we got more trouble.

Weiss: What are you talking about.

Y/n: Guys stay back theres 7 Samu Blades.

Y/n: Guys stay back theres 7 Samu Blades

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A/n not mine

Blake: be careful Y/n.

Y/n smiles at Blake and nods.
Y/n looks at the Samu Blades and draws his sword.

(The Samurai of Remnant) Samurai Reader x Blake Belladona Where stories live. Discover now