Chapter 1

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By the way I don't own the characters or some of the plot
Spencer's POV

I tosted and turned all night in my bed that morning I woke up barely got any sleep . Then , I got the feeling I was about to throw up again it's been happening a lot and the headaches got worse after I was done throwing up I spit the taste out of my mouth and got ready . I got on a dark blue button up and a vest with a black coat. Then, I locked up my apartment and got in my yellow car and drove to work . When I got there I could already hear Morgan calling me pretty boy . JJ asked if I was ok I said I was fine and when to get coffee and sat down at my desk. I noticed Emily in Hotch's room I know something is happening between them I'm just happy some people are doing good.

Morgan's POV

I heard the elevator open and I yelled pretty boy but, he looked paler than usual I thought he was a dead person . I didn't want to assume that he was doing bad so I sat down and I just watched him get coffee and sat down I just sat there and watched him I didn't know that's creepy . Then I noticed emily in Hotch's room I didn't ask didn't wanna know right now I'm worried about Spencer.


I saw Spence walking in he looked dead .Somethings up I asked him if you was OK he said he was fine but I didn't believe it I sat down and watched him for a while he's having his hands in his eyes he's having headaches again he didn't tell me. Something else must be going on I don't want to ask him I'll find out.

Emily's POV

I was flirting with Hotch then we noticed Spencer he's acting weird we will find out later right now .I want to flirt with Hotch and I wanted to make out he said later because we have a case and a in a little bit I could care less about a case we've been secretly dating for three months I think Spencer knows I just think he doesn't care .

Hotch's  POV

I was flirting with the emily and then she said she wanted to make out but then I found out we had a case. I said  an a little bit and then, we both noticed Spencer he looked really sick I really didn't wanna ask because I know he would say he was fine we agreed to keep an eye on him.

Sorry it's short I'm sad about missing my first day of school

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