Chapter 2

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Rossi's POV

I got there right before they started the case something was up Garcia wasn't here and then I seen Garcia run in . She said she was like she overslept and she talked about her hair make up clothes Hotch finally said it's ok the case then she remembered.

Garcia's POV

Got their late so I talked about what happened and Hotch said it was fine but to go  on the case then I remember . Can I start talking people who found killed they were tall brown hair  and had brown eyes and very pale. They were killed they were stabbed and they were drugged with diliade . Everyone looked up excepted Spencer.

Hotch's POV

Something else they were pictures left on the crime scene . Spencer  the were pictures of you in your house. Everyone froze Spencer looked up and said what! I told him that he was going to be in protective custody until we got this sorted out. Morgan stood up and walked out .

Morgan's POV

After all the news I was so angry why would anybody wanna hurt him .
I stood up and walked out I didn't know what to do ,what  was happening we were all in shock specially Spencer I wasn't going to have anything else happened to him.

Spencer's POV

Did that just happen I thought as I watched Morgan walk out. Garcia went after him and Hotch went to set up a protective custody for me I tried to tell him I didn't need it but, it was no use . Emily followed Hotch it was just JJ and I .


After that all happened it was just Spencer and I . Then I got a call it was Henry's school I answered The secretary asked me if Will was coming to pick him up I said yeah has he not . The secretary said no he has not and he's been here it was four o'clock I said I'll come pick them up right now I'm so sorry she said it's fine we've just been playing games. Look look at spindle and told him do you want to come pick Henry up with me will didn't go he said yeah why not I need a little more light in his life right now. 

Spencer's POV

Because I was silent until we got to Henry school JJ got out I stayed in the car she told me to lock the doors until she got back with Henry . I did she came back with Henry smiling so big then he said uncle Spencer are you coming to pick me up today I told him yeah Henry and then his mom gave him his tablet and then I started driving she told me the turn and go to her house so I did when we got there I seen something unexpected there was another car not just wills car. I saw JJ pause I told her to stay in there with Henry . I going to go check it out she said no but I told her to stay just in case if it was the unsub she nodded as I pulled out my gun and walked closer and closer to the door was unlocked so I open the door slowly then I seen Will making out with another girl . He paused he screamed tell me what I doing in his house and then .I told him you forgot Henry at school it's 4 o'clock in the evening then he try to throw punch at me I could smell that he was drunk I dodged it and I grabbed his hands and locked behind his back the girl didn't know what to do .I told the girl to get out of there now she did I locked  into his door handle of the door and then I went to go get JJ.


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