Chapter 5

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Emily's POV
I watched JJs  smile disappear after she heard what happened I could tell they was getting close but I didn't know how close Spencer looked a little bit better but after the news he got paler I actually didn't know what to do for once I don't know who to comfortable I didn't know what to do I didn't know who it is JJ said that it could be will but she wasn't for sure and Hotch to asked why and she said that they was be fighting a lot and he's been bringing up Spencer on those fights wishing he was dead he said he was no good and he wished Tobias would have killed him but she didn't know .We watch reids face crumbled I liked to call it Reid's thinking face Spencer said it could be Tobias twin Tobias was talking about a sibling . When he was not his father saying that he would find him and they would get together they would have good times again but he had to get his father out of his head nobody looked at Reid and he continued and said that they was gonna be happy and move to Quantico and live in apartment together. Then Spencer said that he had a book about it in his car he wrote all of it down after what happened and he went to get it because it could be a lead.

Morgan's POV
After pretty boy went to get his journal we talked about who could be we honestly didn't know after a few minutes pretty boy didn't come back I started to worry so I told Hotch I was gonna go look for he and he said ok and I made it to the parking garage and I went to spencers car and all I found was his bloody button down. I was so mad I started running around the parking garage but I didn't see anything but his book was on the ground to so I called Hotch and all the team came down to the parking garage I seen JJ's face she started crying Emily was holding her I didn't know what to do I just lost my brother to a serial killer who's been trying to kill him.

Rossi's POV
I just got back from vacation I was going to the office I pulled in and I seen the team surrounding Spencers car so I got out in a hurry and I ran over and all I seen was his body button down I asked them what happened and they said that he got kidnapped by a serial killer who has been trying to kill him I watched his JJs face tripped in tears Emily was trying to hold her. Hotch asked Morgan if he seen anything Morgan said no he was angry but Hotch put his gloves on and he took spencers bloody button down and book and put it in the evidence bag any cold the CSI to come to find any evidence they all went back up to the office JJ sat in Spencers seat and started bawling so was Garcia.

Spencer's POV
I was in the back of my car looking for the book I found the book I was locking  my car and then everything just went black I thought the pain in the back of my head and in my stomach after that I woke up I was chained by my hands to the ceiling of something I had a blindfold on and I heard noises around me all I knew was that I was shirtless I was in pain but something was different about this the guy was way more experience but he was mad though I heard him whispering something it sounded like a rehearsed conversation that only happens when you have anxiety was the serial killer that was after him scared to talk to him. After that he heard the man say OK let's do this then he head a camera click on he knew was gonna happen and then his blindfolds was took off he was just staring into the camera the guy beside him look just like Tobias he knew it was his twin.

Garcia's POV
They asked me to look up stuff about Tobias's twin I was looking up what happened to him was in a mental facility he was in jail he just got out a few months after Tobias death and then that's when it happened all over again there was a video of Spencer tie this time to the ceiling he was bloody and the guy beside of them he had a mask on and he had a that in his hand with his bat had nails on it. I started crying and I called the team they all got in their faces dropped and then we heard the man say you have sinned you have killed now it's time for you to pay you will feel the wrath of God is about to give you hell then he hit Spencer's little abs all we heard was Spencer grunt. Then the man asked why he wasn't screaming Spencer's looked him straight in the eyes then the camera he said he's already been through this once. Then I heard Morgan hit the wall who's really mad and heard JJ crying harder then the man hit him again he had holes in his stomach and blood was coming out it was awful.

Couldn't hold back a story crying I'm crying I just watch Spence get beat up I don't know what to do I love him so much and I couldn't watch anymore I still want to see his couch and put my hands in my eyes then Emily said something she says that the background looked familiar they all looked at her like she was crazy she said it looks like an apartment houses laundry room. I looked and it did.
Then the camera went black Morgan was so mad then he said he took Reid's  blindfold that means he's going to kill him.

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