Chapter 4

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Spencer's POV

I'll unpacked with JJ and Henry after that JJ gave Henry a bath. I just sat on the couch reading a book that I got my headache again nothing I could do except close my eyes and put my palms of my hands in my eyes then I noticed that JJ was behind me staring then she saidI knew your headaches were back I didn't want to worry you and I said it happens once in a while .she nodded and then she sat down next to me and said that she put Henry to bed he's really tired I nodded then she asked me what else was wrong I said nothing just been having headaches a little bit and haven't slept that well. She gave me the look I smiled and said that's all then my headache went away she smiled and said okay if you say so Spence . I loved it when she called me Spence I don't know why I just do then, I seen her freezing I asked her if she's cold I said I kept it like a freezer I laughed and ask where was her sweater She frowned and said She forgot it. I said if she wanted one of mine her eyes lighted up and smiled and said yes please we jumped up out the couch then showed her all of my sweaters she picked a royal blue sweater with the word FBI on the left breast and when she put it on the logo went to her rib we laughed then, she said she loved the sweater I smiled and laughed more it was getting late. I told her I was going to take a shower. She had okay then, went to the living room .

Morgan's POV

After Spencer and JJ left I did something I never thought I would do I asked Garcia on a date. I always liked her you could tell I flirted with her and she flirted back .I didn't know if she'd like me that way like I always see to pretty boy player player thinking about to make me laugh he was a good kid smart to just came from a bad past when I was thinking about that I had somebody to tapped me on the shoulder I'm sure it was Garcia she said she's ready to leave to went through the glass doors got in the elevator and walked out of the doors to the FBI and got in my car.  

The next day


I slowly open my eyes remember what happened yesterday grief just filled mean I didn't know what to do anyways I try to get up but something was around my stomach I looked up and I seen his curly hair it was Spence he looked so peaceful when he's asleep. Then it hit me I'm in Spencer's bed omg what happened?
*Flash back*

Hey Spence I can't sleep can we watch a movie? He said sure. We found a movie about murders half way through I fell asleep

Oh okay good that's all we did sadly then, I looked at the alarm it was 5am Henry has school at 8am so I went back to sleep.

Spencer's POV

I woke up to the smell of flowers and blonde hair in my face then, I remembered I'm in a bed with JJ omg this happened it doesn't mean much right? Anyways I remembered I still have a serial killer targeting me great add that to the deck. I'm not sick for once I don't know why I feel better I still have a headache but my stomach doesn't hurt is it because JJ is right beside me it can't be that's not scientific well it is but it's not likely. I looked at the alarm clock it was 6:50am so I slowly got out of bed quickly and quietly so I didn't wake up JJ. I made my way to the kitchen for Advil and coffee and to make breakfast for Henry and JJ. I put the coffee on and got out stuff for pancakes. After I made the mix I made six pancakes medium sized then, I got coffee and put sugar in it then made bacon and put some blueberries to make a face for Henry then, I hear a sound it was Henry he woke up from the smell he said.
Henry's POV
I woke up to a small pancakes I walked out of my room to see who was making pancakes it was uncle Spence I walked over and ask him what he was doing and he gave me a plate of pancakes and I had a smiley face on mine then. I sat down he poured me orange juice and he got yourself a plate we started eating and then we heard a sound behind us we both turn around and found mom she was wearing a big sweater it was way too big on her looks like uncle Spencer's sweater. She had a smile on her face and ask what we cooked I said uncle Spence cooked us pancakes she got a plate and got some coffee we all sat down after we ate after mom said to go get clothes on for school so I went in my room to go see if a could find anything.

Garcia's POV
I woke up in my bed but there was an arm around me I turned around  to find  chocolate thunder then I seen him shirtless then I asked myself what happened last night but I didn't want to remember I looked at the alarm and we were almost late for work so I quickly got out of bed took a shower after I got out I started putting on my make up and then I had somebody behind me so I turned around and seen chocolate thunder he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then he got in the shower after that we didn't say anything that will happen last night we just was happy we got coffee ate breakfast and then we were on our way to work.

Morgan's POV
Whatever happened with Garcia made her happy I just shook it off we made are way to the bau desks to find JJ and pretty boy talking I'll yelled  pretty boy he turned  around with a smile that's the first time I've actually seen him smile in a while he didn't look as pale as yesterday but he was still pretty pale I was so worried didn't show it though I asked him what happened he said nothing but I know he was lying then we got called by  Hotch to get in to the conference room so we all made our way to the conference room.

Hotchs POV
After we told everybody to get in the conference room Emily and I was standing up then I told them that they found a new body but this body looks more tortured and this one looks just like him everybody looked at Spencer he looked up and I told him that he had to stay in this office until we figured out who it was he was  trying to stop it and then I told him he could go out but he had had somebody with him like a Morgan just smiled and said pretty boy you're stuck with me now. Spencer said great we looked at the pictures it looked just like Spencer but he was wearing glasses and Spencer was too feet taller than him this one had an IQ of 169 wasn't his the  highest  but we are getting more close every day I asked Spencer if anybody wanted to kill him he said not that he knew us but after what happened with Tobias a lot of people is coming after him.

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