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I've always wanted a high school sweetheart. I've always wanted to have a high school experience like how they have it in movies. The one where they always go to parties, hang out at the beach, create unforgettable memories with your friends, and have a significant other that ends up being your high school sweetheart. It just seems like the perfect high school experience you can have. In all honesty I want to have this experience so that one day I can tell my kids the amazing memories I made in high school.

I feel like I've accomplished most of that. I go to parties and hang out at the beach, I got some awesome friends who I wouldn't trade for the world, and I have (and am still creating) some of the best memories. All I am missing is my high school sweetheart.

All I can think is how I hope to meet my soulmate soon because how great of a story that will be to tell my kids.


Its a Friday morning and for Louis that means one step closer to making an unforgettable memory, whether that be a party at some random persons house where he drinks until he can't remember his fucking name, or a drive down to the beach with all his friends where they drink and laugh until their stomachs hurt.

Alarm sounds are heard loudly in his room. Louis lazily turn off the alarm, clock reading 8 am. He groans as he gets up knowing what day it is. He quickly gets dressed into some black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He heads downstairs for breakfast, he quickly kisses his mom goodbye and walks out the door with a piece of toast in his hand. As he walks out he sees his best friend in his mustang convertible waiting for him.

"Oi Lou, hurry your ass up I need to pick up the rest of the boys".

Louis laughs at his best friend as he rushes into the front seat of the car. Barely even being able to close the door before the car is already taking off to its next destination.

"So Zayn what are our plans for this weekend?" Louis hair blows in the wind as Zayn speeds down the road. Thats what Louis loves the most about his car.

"I heard Ryan was having a kickback at his house Saturday was thinking we can stop by there"

"Well you know me, always done for anything as long as I have you, Liam, and Niall by my side". Louis already knows what this weekend is going to consist of. It happens almost every other weekend. Him and Zayn either get really drunk or really high and Niall and Liam are left to take care of them.

The car abruptly stop in front of Liam's house. Niall and Liam are quickly running out the front door, hair a mess and bags swinging around their arms.

"Sorry Im late boys, was waiting on Louis yet again". Zayn playfully gives Louis a slap on the shoulder, to which Louis returned a bit harder.


School day goes as normal. Girls coming up to Zayn and asking him on a date, while Louis just laughs on the sidelines knowing that Zayn will never go out with any of those girls. And Niall and Liam are usually walking each other to class hand in hand. Louis will usually walk on his own to class.

It was fourth period which meant he had office aid. Which basically means it's a free period and occasionally he helps whenever anyone in the office asks for help.

Louis sets his bag down next to his chair and immediately starts putting his headphones in so he can continue watching supernatural on Netflix.

A lady comes walking in the room with a 6 ft tall boy next to her. "Yes, if you come follow me right over here... oh Louis since you're here why don't you give a tour to our new student." She stops in front of Louis. Louis slowly takes out his headphones and groans mentally in his head, wanting so badly to watch supernatural.

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