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All Louis ever wanted was to fall in love. Fall in love with someone who makes him smile just by thinking about them. Fall in love with their laugh, their smile, their eyes, their personality, just fall in love with everything about them.

Louis couldn't stop thinking about Harry and their date. Harry clouded his mind 24/7. He just wanted to know more about him. He wanted to sit and just truly get to know him.

He wanted to know everything about him from his favorite color to if he prefer sunrises or sunsets. He just wanted to know because in all honesty he just wanted to fall in love. And maybe that's why he felt like him and Harry's "relationship" was moving so fast.

After their date whenever Louis or Harry saw each other at school they'll share fond smiles to each other. And one day Harry texted Louis to meet him under the bleachers after school and that's when they started meeting up everyday after school to make out under the bleachers. It was obvious their feelings for each other were mutual, they've discussed it. Although they weren't exactly a couple yet, technically speaking they were just friends with benefits. They both didn't mind though because either way they both were happy.

Louis was happy with Harry. Everything about him just felt right. Him being with Harry just felt right. He felt at home with Harry. This is everything he ever dreamed of, everything he ever prayed for, falling in love with someone who felt right. 

It was Friday after school and Louis was walking towards the bleachers. This is the only thing he looks forward to everyday and the reason why he stays at schools and doesn't skip. He gets to be with Harry, not only be with Harry but make out with Harry too. Again, it felt like a dream. Everything was just so surreal and so perfect.

Harry turned once he heard Louis footsteps on the soft gravel.
"Hey baby I missed you". Harry wrapped his arms around Louis waist pulling him in, desperate to touch him.

"I missed you too Harry". Right before Harry was about to lean in to kiss Louis he put his finger out to stop him.

"What's the matter love?" Harry gave Louis a confused look.

"Let's go out tonight" Louis smiled, the crinkles in his eyes present.

"Yeah sure we can do something what do you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise cmon let's go"

"Go? You want to go out right now?"

"Yeah, now cmon" Louis grabbed Harry hand and they started walking towards Harry's car. It still shocked Louis how perfect their hands fit together, perfectly entwine.

"Give me your car keys"

"What no. You are not driving my car Lou" Harry gave Louis a confused stern look almost like a wtf look.

"Harry pleaseeee" Louis gave Harry his puppy dog eyes and pouted his lips. He knew Harry couldn't say no to that face.

"Ugh fine, just please don't wreck it" Harry reluctantly handed him the keys.

Once the boys settled in Louis started the car and went smoothly down the road. He knew exactly where he was going.

After about 10 minutes or so they were at their destination. Louis turned and saw Harry fast asleep. He looked adorable. His lips formed a small 'o' as soft snores escaped his lips. His curly hair messily in front of his face. He just wanted to take a picture and savor this moment. It was at this moment that Louis knew Harry was the one. I mean how couldn't he be, he was literally staring at this man sleep and couldn't help the smile on his face.

He slowly woke Harry up. "Harry wake up love we're here". He shook him gently, moving the curls out of his face.

"Where are we?" Harry said as he rubbed his eyes awake.

"At a park" was all Louis said before he got off the car and started walking towards the playground. Harry followed him quickly after.

Louis sat on the swing, his feet dangled due to being so short. Harry came shortly after and sat on the swing next to Louis, his feet being able to touch the ground easily.

"Umm, this is my childhood neighborhood. This is the park that I used to always come too. I met Liam, Niall and Zayn here. This is our favorite park and we have created so many memories here." Louis looked out into the forest that was behind the tall black gate. He smiled contently.

Harry didn't say anything. He loved listening to Louis talk and he just wanted to hear more about him.

Louis continued. "I had my first kiss right over there" he pointed to the top of the slide

"Her name was Emily, I was probably about 12 years old. It was the quickest peck on the lips. We never kissed after that, we were to shy and we were your basic middle school couple"

Harry laughed. Louis then got off the swing and walked towards the tree at the far end of the playground. He sat down his back towards the trunk of the tree.

"And this is where I smoked my first joint. I was with Zayn, we were 15. Niall and Liam were here to but they didn't try it, in fact they don't smoke what so ever."

Harry didn't say anything in hopes of Louis to continue talking. He wanted to hear more childhood stories of his.

Louis didn't continue, he just stared out into the distance deep in thought. They both sat in silence after a while. Harry looked up at the stars.

"It's a beautiful night today"

"Yeah, almost as beautiful as you"

"You don't mean that"

Louis turned and smiled at Harry as if saying 'yes I do mean it'. Louis kissed Harry quickly on the cheek and then got up and started walking towards the monkey bars. He skillfully got up and sat on top of them. Harry in star struck with the kiss lazily got up to follow Louis.

Louis was like a magnet to Harry. It's like he needed to follow him and be around him at all times because Louis was just that amazing of a person.

Harry just stood a couple feet in front of Louis under the monkey bars lookin up at him. God was he beautiful. His jawline cut to perfection, his hair quiffed up perfectly, his defined cheekbones, just everything about him was beautiful. He will never get tired of staring at him.

Louis got off the monkey bars and stood in front of Harry. Harry smiled at him. Louis grabbed Harry's neck and brought him down for a kiss. As if second nature, Harry grabbed Louis waist and pulled him closer.

Louis wanting more, forcefully shoved his tongue in Harry's mouth. Harry let out a deep moan loving when Louis takes control.

Louis tugged the ends of his curls, which results in Harry letting out another moan. Louis smiled and pulled away from Harry.

"What's wrong" Harry asked worriedly, wanting to make sure Louis was okay.

"Harry.... I really like you, a lot. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Louis looked up at Harry. Green staring at blue. In an instant Harry smiled.

"Of course Louis, I would love to be your boyfriend". And with that Harry reconnected their lips, continuing where they left off.

Their kiss was full of passion, lust, desire, and hope. Hope in that what they were feeling will never go away. It was simple really, they were just young kids falling in love.

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