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It was now November and although Louis and Harry's relationship was going strong, they haven't told their parents about each other. It's not like their parents were homophobic or anything, they just haven't told them. Maybe it was because they wanted to make sure they knew they were going to last with each other and it wasn't some fling or maybe it was just because there hasn't been a time to tell them. Either way they haven't told them.

It was a breezy Friday afternoon. The two boys were at their usual place after school, under the bleachers.

Harry quickly pulled away from their heated make out session, which was distracting Harry from how cold he was.

"Louis come over to dinner tonight and meet my family"

Louis looked at Harry in shock. Of course he wanted to meet Harry's family, it's just shocking because meeting family meant their relationship was serious. Not that he didn't want to be serious with Harry, it was just that first impressions are hard, and it just makes sense for the women who gave birth to Harry to approve of him, which in turn puts a lot of pressure to have to get that approval.

After a couple of seconds of staring at Harry he finally chocked out something.


Harry raised his eyebrow. It looked like Louis seen a ghost. He didn't think it was that big of a deal in all honesty. His mom had meet a couple of ex girlfriends of his in the past.

"I want you to meet my family over dinner. Tonight"

Louis just slowly nodded his head and Harry couldn't help the smile on his face. He quickly pecked his lips, grabbed his hand and started dragging him to his car. Right before they left Harry texted his mom saying he was bringing someone over.

The whole car ride there Louis felt sick to his stomach. He was nervous, like any normal person would be meeting parents for the first time. What Harry doesn't know was that this was Louis's first time meeting someone's parents. Louis had girlfriends in the past but they were your typical middle school, early high school girlfriend, you don't really meet someone's parents (at least for him that's how it was). So yeah Louis was so nervous, this was the first time he felt like he was in a real, committed relationship.

"Louis are you alright?" Harry asked looking at him a few times while also focusing on the road.

"Yeah H im fine, just a little nervous is all" Louis closed his eyes and tried his best to calm himself down by taking deep breaths.

"Louis, darling. There's nothing to be nervous about. My mom and sister would love you. You are literal perfection there is nothing to hate about you"

Louis felt at ease with Harry's words. At least for the moment his worries went away, that was until they showed up right in front of Harry's house, that's when Louis started to get a panic attack which he never had before. His breathing started to get out of control, his heart rate starting beating faster, he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Harry i don't know if I can do this" Louis said trying his absolute best to control his breathing. He quickly grabbed the water bottom that was in the middle console and chugged it, the lukewarm water help a bit.

"Baby look at me" Harry grabbed Louis chin with two fingers and gently turned his face so they were making eye contact.

"They are going to love you I promise, just take some deep breaths for me alright. It's going to be okay" once Harry said that he started to deeply breath in and exhale out slowly make sure Louis was following his pattern of breathing.

After a couple deep breathing exercises Louis finally said "okay I think I'm fine now"

Harry got out of his car and went to the other side to open up Louis's door and helped him out. Harry grabbed Louis hand and gently kissed it, smiling widely afterwards which made Louis smile. They both walked up to the door, Harry grabbed his keys to open up the door and they both walked inside the warm comforting home.

"Mom I'm home" Harry yelled out. He knew Louis was extremely nervous so he grabbed his hand and made small circles on the top of his hand with his thumb.

His mother came walking down the stairs. "Oh honey you're home already". She gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. "And who is this" she turned to Louis.
"Mom this is my boyfriend Louis and Louis this is my mother Anne" Harry said. Louis held out his hand for her to shake, she slapped his hand away and went in for a hug instead catching Louis off guard. "Sorry I'm more of a hugger" she gave Louis a gentle squeeze before pulling back.

"Dinner will be ready soon I'm so glad you can join us Louis. We have much to talk about" and before Louis can say anything back she was walking to the kitchen.

Harry gave Louis a sweet smile as reassurance before tugging Louis into the dining room.

The dinner went just how you imagined. Anne and Harry sister Gemma, asking a lot of questions trying to get to know Louis. And of course Anne embarrassing Harry with childhood stories but Louis didn't mind. In fact he loved it and wanted to hear more about Harry's childhood.

Once dinner was over Louis helped Anne with the dishes.

"You're a real nice boy Louis" Anne says and he hands Louis a wet plate.

"Oh thank you. My mom taught me the importance of manners" Louis replies as he takes the wet plate and dries it off with the kitchen towel.

"Yes I can see that. All I ask of you is to don't hurt my boy please. I can see how much he loves you and I don't want to see him get hurt"

Louis stop what he's doing for a second. Those are words they haven't said to each other yet. Love. Harry loves him?

Louis quickly snapped out of it and went back to his drying duty. "I promise I won't hurt Harry. He does mean a lot to me"

"It was so nice to meet the two of you" Louis says and he hugs both Gemma and Anne by the door.

"Oh it was our pleasure. You're welcome here anytime Louis." Anne says with a smile on her face.

Harry and Louis both walk out of the house towards Harry car. Louis waves goodbye one last time before getting into the car and taking off. They drive in silence for a bit until Louis says "Harry you're going to meet my family tomorrow". Harry has been waiting for this moment and is so excited to meet the people that raised Louis. "Really?!" Harry said excitedly.

"Yes really". Louis then grab Harry hand and kissed the top of it. "I met your family, the least I can do is get you to meet mine".

Harry continued driving with a smile on his face.

Harry dropped off Louis and gave him a goodnight kiss before going inside. Louis walked upstairs, changed, and laid down.

As always, he fell asleep with the curly haired cutie on his mind. And he felt like the whole meeting the parents thing was a huge step in their relationship, which further solidified the thought of them being soulmates and him finally having a high school sweetheart.

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