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✎Tattoo Artist AU
✎TW; needles

A/N: in celebration of 420 followers! And uh, this has straight up smut so do with that info what you want pfft–

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A/N: in celebration of 420 followers! And uh, this has straight up smut so do with that info what you want pfft–


"Ah! Stop! Fuck–"

Petite hands gripped the leather cushions with a vengeance, fingertips whitening as he squirmed.

Izuku glanced up from the mechanism in his gloved hands, eyes squinting pitifully.

"I'm... Still sterilizing the needle, Kaminari."

The blonde's head whipped around, features distorted with disbelief.

"W-Wha? But I'm sure that something was touching my back!"

"Oh, that was me."
Eijiro chuckled, capping Izuku's pen and placing it back atop his desk.


Denki sat up, balling up his shirt and tossing it at the redhead.

It obviously wasn't painful, but it was the closest, least risky object that he could hurl with full force.

"Quit messing around, you two. You're gonna make Katsuki split a vein."
Ashido's eyes fixated on the visibly irritated blonde, whose composure was lost in a mix of fear and anger.

His eyes suddenly twitched, indicating that her words had finally registered.

"Who's splitting a vein? Over these snot-sucking dickweeds? I don't think so!"
He protested.

Denki's head bobbed to the side, a worrisome grimace befalling his expression,
"...D-Dick what-"

"In my opinion, I think we're all just a little tense because nobody here really wants to get a tattoo... So just hand over the cash and we'll go get some pizza."
Eijiro beamed a toothy grin, holding out a palm to his nearer friends.

In celebration of the baby of the group hitting his 20's, the uni students took a break from their workload and took Eijiro out for his birthday.

After a day of hopping from store-to-store, Eijiro--admittedly with a few beers in his system--proposed getting a tattoo... Of course nobody was actually interested, but after throwing in the wager of cashing their part-time salaries early...

The group was a little more complacent, to say the least.

Didn't exactly give him the right to be a smartass, though.

Katsuki's eyes slit in utter distaste at the redhead, a scowl pulling tightly at his features.
All that walking rambutan wanted was to win the bet--as if Katsuki was going to give him the satisfaction.

"Fuck no."
The blonde snapped, tossing his tank top to the floor.

Now, Katsuki didn't care about the money. But letting Eijiro best him at a simple game of chicken was fuckin' lunacy.

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