Chapter 1

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The grass was green this year. A lot greener than the last. Everything seemed abit brighter, the swing, the flowers, the house. I liked it.

I swung, moving my legs in Rhythm of the swing. It was made from old tire and strong ropes, attached to the biggest tree with dangling leaves, again, I liked it.

I was deep in thoughts until-
" Amdromeda! Come here NOW!" A voice from inside the brick home yelled.
I flinched as it pierced my ears. " what did I even dooo" I groaned jumping from the swing, landing on a dirt patch.

I passed the open door and slumped into the living room. " what have I done?" I sighed looking over to my mother.
" what have you done? What have you done!"
The second time she said it, i was sure to think about what I did.

" amdromeda. You have, and I repeat. Amdromeda Ted raven, has been suspended from Hogwarts until farther notice, on the terms that she, at 9:30 pm, used a patronus charm in close proximity of a muggle. Kind regards, professer mcgonagle."

I stared up at her, my lips in a thin line looking at my rather dirty trainers. " at least I can do a patronus charm " I murmured shrugging my shoulders. My mum stared down at me, her eyes like daggers piercing the top of my skull.

I grabbed the letter from her hand and without hesitation I ripped the page in half. I did things like that, studious things. I thought on the spot, didn't think about consequences, just did it. I dropped the two halves and stormed up to my room.

My room was at the top of the house, with a long triangle ceiling. It was like living in a tower. Like a princess, only, I didn't really need saving. My home was nice, a nice family, even though my mum annoys me sometimes. I had good food. It was perfect. Which often made me sad, or mad, I couldn't tell. I felt this way because I thought my life was boring. Which is quite funny because I go to a school where dragons exist, and live in a world where we can fly in giant metal birds. But my life was never quite, there.

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