Chapter 7

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It has been a couple days since me and aced met. I've been thinking a lot.
So much I almost forgot the companions are chosen today.
I walked with Neville. We was chatting till I heard a soft whisper in my ear.
"Hey Amy" I jumped to see Cedric staring down at me. I playfully punched his arm. After seeing him it's like I wasn't stressed. Neville put his arms to his side and walked faster.
I smirked to Cedric before trotting to longbottom.
" I don't like him" he mumbled. I blinked a couple time before parting his shoulder.
" that's okay" I smiled.I didn't think much of it, well Neville didn't like a lot of people really, or they didn't like him.
He looked at the floor still.
Me and him walked shoulder to shoulder to our seats.
As I took my seat next to Neville he was blushing. I chuckled. He was staring down at his food.
" Neville what's up? Ced is a nice bloke" I put my hand on his cheek and turned him to face me. He met my eyes and pushed my hands.
" no, no he's not " he huffed. I lowered my eyebrows and rolled my eyes.

" sit down" it was Dumbledore. Students raced to their seats as murmurs became silent.
" now the moment you have all  been waiting for!" He raised his hand and glided it against the air, lights once lit began to fade, only until the only source of light was the blue flame from the Goblet of fire.
I could hear every single heartbeat, tension was like a wave of lava. The flame turned red.
A Sam,l note flew from it, we all raised our eyebrows biting our lips.
" Victor Krum!" We all cheered and congratulated Krum, it was obvious he was going to be chosen. He's Victor Krum, the Krum.
" the champion for beutbaxtons is Fleur Delacur!" Again a loud arise of clapping and whistling began. She strutted up to dumbledore as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
The flame, once again red. Would hold the information everyone was waiting for. Which hogwarts student would risk their lives for glory.
As the note jumped out, it slowly fell into the old wizards hand.
" the champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory,"
Cedric, Cedric. He was chosen. They're was a deafening silence around me, I could see the students clapping and cheering, but it was all so slow. Cedric was about to do this. Time sped up as I found myself clapping.
My eyes followed his hair. He turned to me and winked. I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows.
" The three champions have been chosen! But only won will win eternal glory"
As we smiled all our faced merged into shock, the goblet of fire was twirling and twisting.
Being cut of his sentence Dumbledoor creeped up to it, reached out his hand.
It was another name.
Gasps and whispers emerged.
" Harry Potter." Dumber door spoke.
" Harry Potter!" He said louder. I leaned over Neville, seeing seamus. I leaned a little more to where Harry Potter, Ron and hermione. Hermione pushed him up as he stumbled over.
As he passed me I patted his hand. Me and him weren't 'close' but he had hung out a couple of times. He gave me a awkward smile before walking to the headmaster.
" he's a cheat!"
" He's not even seventeen yet!"
" loser!"
Shouts and growls peirced the silent room.
Neville looked sick, I swung my hand round him as he dug his head into my neck.
" he's gonna die Amy. He's gonna die I know it" I patted his hair.
I looked over to seamus and he pulled a ' I have no fucking idea what he's goin on about' I could literally hear his accent.

The assembly went rather quickly after that, I was meant to meet with ced but he went off somewhere. Probably to discuss celebrity things.
So instead me, seamus and Neville snuck out.
We had found a nice beach to sit on, I leaned up against Neville and seamus was eating jelly beans.
" Hey Amy can we talk" seamus stared down at me. I shrugged and chuckled " whatever you can tell me you can tell Neville.
" no- Amy. Please" I huffed and lifted myself up. I patted Nevilles knee and followed Seamus to behind a wall.
" so? What do you want" he looked him in the eye as he huffed.
" a fuck- the thing is Amy that night I ran upstairs after eating chocolate. Wasn't because I was tired. Ugh- I think I might have a little tiny crush on ya" he blushed and twiddled with his thumbs.
" well if it's that small of a crush it isn't that big of a deal" I shrugged. I lazily wrapped my arms round his shoulders and hugged him.
" seamus I love you. But I'm not sure right now okay" I said softly.
I felt his head nod.
The truth was. When he was telling me that, all I could think about was Ced.
" guysss... W-where are you it's been awhile" it was Neville.
Me and seamus bursted out laughing and turned the corner. I trotted up to him and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and me and Neville walked back to the common rooms.
Seamus stayed behind to 'think about things'
Whatever that meant.

When we got back there was a note on my bed.
' meet me in half hour in hagrids hut. I need to talk to you. Alone- ced x' I shoved the letter in my bag.
Half hour are you kidding me. I grabbed my change of clothes and switched into a red and black checkered shirt, a black hoodie with a collared shirt underneath. I accessoriesd with multiple necklaces. I looked badass that for sure.
I grabbed my water, and a mint. Just in case. And with that I walked to the cold outside.

You set me free CEDRIC X READER Where stories live. Discover now