Chapter 2

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Jack finished putting on his suit. He ruffled his hair and put on his Patek Philippe watch. And went for his limo. He pulled up next to a red carpet people are taking pics, and asking for autographs. He was almost to the end. When someine shouted look its Elsa Winter's. Jack looked over to see a woman with beautiful platimun blonde hair she's in a white dress with diamonds in it (her show your self dress.

She smiled at the camera. She looked right at Jack. She blinked a few time's and went into the ballroom. Jack went in to to the big room. He chatted with a few of his friends.  He walked wuth his head low for a minute. Unitl he heard ow.

He looked up to see a familar platimun blonde woman on the ground. He helped her up.

I'm so sorry are you ok, Jack asked. She nodded. Im Jackson Overland Frost, but you can Call me Jack. My name is Elsa Winters, she smiled. Pleasure to meet you, Jack smiled.

So have I seen you in anything Mr. Frost, Elsa asked. Yes rise of the gaurdians, as Jack Frost, Jack said. Have I seen you In anything, Jack asked. Maby have you ever heard of frozen 1 and 2? I think I might have, Jack smirk. Well it was wonderful metting you Mr. Frost, Elsa said and walked off. Jack smiled.

Hour later.
Ok every one may I please have your attention, a woman spoke. I told you all that your getting a special surprise so please welcome Elsa Arendelle performing her first song Let it go, she woman shouted.

Elsa came out.
She began

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door

Let it go (go, go, go go, go go, go go, go, go, go go)

Let it go

Let it go

Let it go

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I stay
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on

The cold never bothered me any way

She smiled. Jack stood thier flabbergasted.(im not sure if thats right) She walked off the stage over to a group of people. Hi, Jack heard. He lookes over to see a young woman that looks around 30. Yeah? Hi Im Mindy and the rise of the gaurdians cast is waiting for you that way we can take a group picture. Oh right Jack said.

He walked over to to north and north put his hand on Jack shoulder, Aster was on the other side. And Tooth was kneeling down in front of Aster. And next to Tooth was Sandy. And on the other side of him was pitch(a.n pitch is not bad). Alright smile Mindy said. They smiled and did a few different poses.

Alright Mindy smiled. They started walking off. Wait do any of you know where The frozen(2) cast is, Mindy asked. The others shurgged and  walked off. Jack looked around. Oh right thier he pointed. Thanks Mindy ran off. And they all poses.

Mindy went off to take other photo's.

Hi Jack, Emma called. Oh hey Em, what are you doing here? Can't I support my older brother in his moive, she smiled sweetly. But how your not in this movie, Jack whispers. I know I used my and Jennifer's identicallness, And got in, she smiled. But Emma thats faulty identity, you can go to jail for that, Jack said. She let out a sigh of defeat. Jack smiled. And watched his sister walk outside. He was making sure that Jamie and Sophie didn't come to useing thier look a likes identity. (Yes Jack is siblings with Emma Jamie and Sophie. )

He went over to the drink table. And got him self a glass of punch. He went over to ond of his friends Eugene. Oh hey Jack whats up? Oh nothing im just board, Jack sighed. Well I heard that thier is going to be a dance off, Eugene smiled. How do you know Jack questions. My wife Rupunzel said thier would be. Oh yeah I forgot that you two are married for how long? Our 7 year anniversary is in 3 months he said. Man its been that long. Yeah when we first met on set it was like cupid hit me with a arrow.

Five hours later

Music was blasting people are dancing around. After a while everyone left.

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