Chapter 4

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(Taehyung PoV)

So he's my hung huh?

I looked down for a second to see what I should order and when I looked back up I could see him facing the other way.

I started at him for a second taking in his facial features.
He had kitten eyes and some small yet round cheeks that had a pale tint just like the rest of him. His black hair making it seem paler than he really is.
Suddenly he looked back at me.

He blushed. It was cute.

"Cute." I said with a small giggle.

Even though I've only known Yoongi for a couple days, I can't help but feel some sort of attraction towards him.

He's very pessimistic about stuff, at least that's what I've seen so far.

I'm not entirely sure what he is yet.

In our world there are angels, demons, and nephalems.

Nephalems are not very common. They are the off-spring of an angel and demon. They are very powerful but they are rare. Demons and angels being couples or together is not really accepted. Demons are to he with demons and angels are to be with angels. That's how things have always seemed. but there are times when an angel and demon find attraction to each other and if found out then they could be either killed or sent to prison to prevent the chance of mating.
Kind of sad to be honest

I know that I'm an angel but Yoongi... I don't know. I wanna find out what he is even if I have to wait for a long long time.

"What's with all the blushing?" I asked.

"I'm not blushing." He said sternly.

"Sure you aren't." I said in a joking tone.

As I was about to say something else, one of the waitressing came over to our table.

"Hello! Welcome to Call Rosé how may I help you?" She said in a very nice tone.

"Umm I will take a vanilla latte with a slice of lemon meringue pie." I said with a smile.

"Okay!" She said happily, "and you?" She asked with a slightly disgusted sound  to her voice.

I'm not sure why she has to sound so rude. Maybe it's 'cause he looks different? The café itself is very bright and colorful and even the workers and customers seem bright while Yoongi has black hair and wears darker clothes.

I know that it's very typical for angels to love bright and colorful things because that's in our nature while demons tend to lean more towards the darker colors and fabrics. Their fashion is also very nice since they have most of the blacks and reds and grays, kind of like Yoongi's fashion. But who knows. There are some angels who have been through a lot and move towards the darker fabrics.

I don't know why most angels have to seem so rude to others who wear the darker clothes. Demon or not they should be nice.

"Umm I'll have an iced black tea(good stuff. Highly recommend~author) please." Was all he said.

"I'll be right back with your orders." She said as she walked away to the area they make everything.

"Jeez. I don't know why she was so rude to you. You didn't even do anything." I said.

"It's ok, I'm used to it over here." He said.

Over here? Maybe he's never lived over here before.

I couldn't help but to point slightly at that. He seems so harmles, he shouldn't have to be "used" to getting treated like that.

"Well you aren't going to get treated like that with me. You're going to get spoiled with all of my love and affection!" I said making a hugging motion and a giggle.

I know that we've just met but I still feel the need to show him such kindness and love.

"I don't need love and affection." He said.

"Too bad you're going to get it!" I said as I smiled at him.

All I heard was a sigh come out of his mouth and I just smiled at him.

Ok that's that. Sorry I haven't updated this in over a year 😬I got side tracked and then forgot. Sorry <3 <3
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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