Tear Stained Cheeks

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A|N sorry it's really short but it was all I could think of so far.

Phil's POV

Alex forcefully slammed me against the wall and smashed his lips into mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and immediately tried to pull away I loved Dan not Alex, Dan was so perfect ugghh he probably doesn't even like a stupid nerd like me. Alex pulled away when he realised I wasn't kissing back and I caught Dan's eyes pierce through me for a split second before he stormed out of the room why Is Dan angry? I ran towards Dan and yelled his name but he only walked faster, I was just about to rush after him when PJ stopped me. I nodded slowly as I knew Dan needed space.

I finally arrived home at our flat. Would Dan even be home yet? My question was answered when I saw him curled up tightly on his bed.

"Dan?" I called softly.
He didn't respond so I knew he was sleeping. I got a glass of water and walked cautiously into Dan's room. The first thing I noticed was his tear stained cheeks was He crying? Don't be ridiculous he doesn't love me how could he?. I placed the glass on his bedside table and was just about to leave when Dan's eyes fluttered open. His eyes were red and puffy, a mixture between hate and betrayal? No hurt but why was he hurt by what Alex did? Did Dan actually... love.....me was Dan Jealous??....

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