Explose With Them Pheels

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Phil's POV

When Dan asked me to stay I felt my heart explode with pheels (see what I did there?) He  wanted me to stay....I couldn't help but grin like an idiot, I felt special. I moved over towards him and started hugging him. I started rubbing circles on his hips and pulled him even closer to my chest and felt him relax into me.

My dreams were coming true , I had Dan in my arms, even if it was temporary. I snuggled into his neck. I felt his chest move evently against mine and before I knew it darkness covered me like a blanket with me holding Dan as if he was made of glass,  I didn't want to loose him.

Dan's POV

I felt warm arms envelop my waist, I could immedietly tell they were Phil's arms as they were as white as a sheet. He was breathing steady hot breaths on the back of my neck causing my to shiver but I wasn't complaining. I snuggled further into our already close bodies, that had somehow come together over night, and felt him stir. He tensed up slightly as if pondering if best friends should be as intimate as we are being now but what the hell...except are we just best friend, maybe there's more. I love him. I love my Phillip No he doesn't feel the same way, how could he ???

"I love you Dan" Phil mumbled into my neck. My heart was beating a thousand miles per millasecond wait what he loves me!!! Asgdhdjdjsnab nope I can't...Can I kiss him now??? Omg I wanna kiss him, Can I? Please?...

Jelousy is a powerful thing ~ PhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora