The end

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Dan's POV

I turned around in Phil's arms and looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. I need to tell him "I...I lo" I started but was interrupted by the door bell. Reallly??? gee thanks Who's that???? We both got up and walked to the door, pulling the door open to revel him. The one who started it all. Alex.

I felt hatred boil in my veins and I swear I was going to punch him square in the face.
"Uhh hey Phil" He said completely ignoring me. "Can I talk to you like privately?" He asked still not looking at me.
"Say it to both of us" Phil hissed moving closer to me.

"Uggghh well I just wanted to talk about the kiss" Alex said locking his eyes with Phil. Don't you dare, Phil is mine "and I wasn't actually drunk" Phil looked at Alex in shock "s so you just felt like SLAMMING me against a wall and SNOGGING me???" Phil yelled stepping a bit closer to me.

"Get away and never come back" I hissed at Alex who just smiled a sickening smile.
"Why are you defensive all of a sudden Daniel? Do you Love him?" Alex mocked.

It was now or never "yes I do, I love Phillip Lester with all my heart" I said loudly but meaning every word and with that being said I turned round to face him. I interlocked my hands behind his neck and smashed my lips on his. Phil immedietly kissed back with passion and placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer. I felt fireworks explode a million times per second and I could not contain my happiness.

When we finally parted as we needed oxygen I looked into his sky blue eyes. "I love you" Me and Phil said simontaniously. I looked over at the door where Alex stood to see it abandomed. No one gets my Phil.

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