Chapter 3 - News

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A/N: Okay! So my goal for this fanfiction is to let out two chapters a day. But if I do maybe skip a day, or even just upload one chapter; forgive me, I might have other plans for it. For now, enjoy this one as I write the next one.

P/s: Again, this is still Rob's POV. There wont be any changes unless stated, I'm trying my best to avoid using multiple POVs. But I might use it in time. This is my last reminder.

   "So this your car I assume?" He asks as we walk to our cars together. He looks at the spilled coffee on the ground and gives me a nervous look. "I'm sorry about your coffee, Rob."

   "No no, it's totally fine. I'm actually trying to...cut down on coffee...something like that." I flash him a sheepish face expression. I look around me for someone specifc, but there isn't even anyone nearby. Not even Preston. Since I'm his ride home, we promise that we would always meet at my car after school. In fact, I'm the one who came out late here. I'll just drive to the door and wait for him there I guess. "Hey, uh, I gotta go man."

   "Oh, it's alright. It's cool." He says as he flashes on a crooked smile. "So I'll see you around?"

   "Yeeh, totally man. No doubt." He embraces me in a warm hug and pats my back. I'm going to be honest, it was slightly awkward, no doubt since we just met. But hey, I can never pass of warm hugs. It's my only weakness; comfort.

   And with that, he leaves the parking lot in his car. He bops his head out of the window as he drive pass by me "I'll call you tonight." and I nod in return.

   I hop in my car and drive myself infront of the door of the school, and wait for Preston to come out. Has he left already? He couldn't have, he's never done it before. If he did, he would've called or leave a text or something.

   I continue to wait another hour for him, still no sign. I thought maybe he got caught in detention? But it's already 5 so even if he did, he should be out by now. Until finally, I see him and Jerome come out through the door along with some other crowd. "Hey, where'd you guys go?"

   "Oh, we stayed back for.....extra curriculur activites." Jerome says, hesitating a lil bit when he said 'extra curriculur activities'.

   "You mean your minecraft club?" I taunt rolling my eyes. Everybody plays minecraft; there are those who goes on Minecraft regularly; which is me. And then, we have the minecraft addicts, which I like to call 'Preston and Jerome. Jerome is Preston's friend he met in class during his freshman year, so automatically he introduced him to me. They click instantly after the find out they both have interest in minecraft the size of a humpback whale. "Oh my god, you nerds!"

   "So where are we off to today?" Jerome asks.

   Again, this is our routine. After school, Preston, Jerome and I would hang out. Either just at home, playing minecraft, sometimes even the cafe, or sometimes we just hang out at the mall and maybe watch a movie.

   "I don't know, is there anything to watch at the movies?" Preston looks as me, as though I'm his personal assitant. I shake my head in response. "Well I guess just home then. We can play on the micro battle server" he starts

   After a few minutes of talking about minecraft, they all face to me. "So how's your day, Rob? You were the one who sat next to that creepy new kid in Chemistry right?"

   Creepy? What's so creepy about Lachlan? He's nice. Well he was a little bit creepy earlier, but then he got nicer after we met. I guess you need to meet a man to know a man. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'.

   "What do you mean 'creepy '?"

   "That's right, you came in class late. Before class started, Mr. Sol mentioned to keep an eye out on a new student coming in later on. He's been transfering school like a passed over bag of chips." Preston starts, and what a good one indeed. "I don't know, he said something about him being expelled from most of it because of his trouble making. Apparently he's a psychopathic abusing bully or something like that I don't know."

   Is Preston for real? Well I guess it explains Lachlan's pick of clothes, and the intro we had at the parking lot. But he was nice to me throughout school today when I hanged out with him.

   No, I don't believe it. I refuse to believe it. I trust him. I know it's a little too early to trust him, but I trust him. I know we're not even friends yet, but I don't want to ruin the chance if we are going to be. Maybe he's trying to redeem himself this time? So I don't want to ruin it for him.

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