Chapter 16 - Awake

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A/N: #Merome #Presara (Idek if this ship name is right.) . Enjoy

[Rob's POV]

   I try to open my eyes but the bright lights immdiately blind my sight making me shut them back. This time, I slowly open them, and when I did I register that I was in the nurse's office.

   I look around and I see Preston and Jerome lying on their respective beds next to me. But no sign of Lachlan anywhere. Feeling confused, I try to lean up but for some reason my head hurts a little.

   "Oh good, you're up." The school Nurse, Mrs. Pillsbette, states as she gently enters the room. She reads a few lines on the clipboard and smiles looking back at me. "It looks like you just hit your head and blacked out. You're free to go."

   I turn to my side and examine Jerome on his bed, he was badly injured and bruised everywhere. Oh. I remember now. Jerome was being hold up by Vikk as Mitch beats him up while Preston was lying helplessly on the ground, and I tried to help but I got elbowed in the face and I guess I sort of spaced out. But what happened next? And where's Lachlan?

   "What happened? And where's Lachlan?-- I mean...did a tall blue-eyed blond came in to visit me while I was out?" I ask the nurse hoping she can shed some light on the matter.

   "Oh no, you don't have to worry about that Lachlan kid anymore. He got suspended. The principle caught him red handed beating all of you up when you were all down, and those other two boys who just woke up a few moments ago testified the story.

   "Those two other boys? What do you mean? Who?!" Oh no, they didn't. NO they did not. I think to myself as I get a few ideas on who these 'two other boys' are.

   "Uhmm..." she says reading over her clipboard again. "Mitchell Hughes and Vikkram Barn." I KNEW IT.

   "NO." I practically shouted at the nurse startling her in her seat, and I think I sort of woke Jerome and Preston up but I couldn't careless. Right now, as we speak, Lachlan is suspended from school for something he didn't do.

   "What's wrong? Where are we?" Preston says getting up.

   "Ow. Why does my stomach hurt so much?" Jerome says gently clenching onto his stomach. The nurse immidiately went to him and help him.

   "Lachlan wasn't the one who beated us up! He was the one who saved us! Mitch and Vikk were the bad ones."

   "Are you sure?" The nurse says looking at me pausing from helping Jerome.

   "Positive. Just ask them!" I say pointing to Jerome and Preston, and they nod agreeing.

   "Well then I better go tell the principle." She makes her way to one of the counter tables in the room and picks up the telephone. She dials a few numbers and waits patiently for a response.

   "Jerome. Are you okay?" I ask as I gently make my way to his bed.

   Just as Jerome opens his mouth in hopes to respond, Preston interrupts and mumbles to himself. "It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been beaten up. It's all my fault!"

   "No, Preston. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for something you didn't do." I say calming him down.

   "No. It's no one's fault. It wasn't just sattisfaction I got a glimpse in his eyes as he was beating me up, but I could also pick up some guilt. He was jealous, jealous thinking that Preston and I were together."

   Jerome proceeds to tell the story as I spend my time reading Preston's expression. He looked mostly astonished and mesmorised. I already know the story so I didn't really have to pay attention there. I'm proud of Jerome, he's finally letting it out. And I'm glad he chosed us.

[Preston's POV]

   There goes another. Why can't for once the person I love, love me back? Just when I thought I could have a chance with Jerome, someone I just realised I've fallen from a long time ago when he comforted me just now, someone else just had to come into the picture. Is it because of me?

   Why do everyone that I love end up leaving me. First, Rob. Now, Jerome. Who's next? Sara?

   Wait. Why did I suddenly think of Sara? No, it can't be. I couldn't. Have I also fallen for Sara but only now realise it? I couldn't have. She can't even be compared to Jerome or Rob.

   Huh. She really can't be compared to the two of them. Because she's even more than what they both could add up and equal to.

   Oh my god. Who knew that I'd actually fallen for a girl? I always thought I was gay. Maybe I'm bi? Or Pan? Now that I think about it, I only fell in love with Rob and Jerome for their personality, and so is Sara now.

   OH WOW.

   "Is it okay if you guys go to the principle's office now? The principle would want ot have a word with the three of you." The nurse say as she hangs the phone up. And we three get up understanding.

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