Chapter 10 - Past

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A/N: hahahahahahahaha I lied, there wont be two chapters for today guys. I'm sorry guys, forgive me. I didn't have time to write two chapters today, I wanted to. But for some reason throughout the whole day today and yesterday night when I planned on writing this chapter, I had fudging writer's block. The struggle is real. But I'll try my very best and post two for tomorrow tho, no promises. Enjoy for now.

   "Uhh...I-I...Err..." still stuttering on my words, choosing very carefully what to say next to him. I'm speechless.

   "Really Rob, really." Jerome says annoyed as he makes his way to the exit.

   "Jerome, wait." I stop him, pulling his hand, and he turns to me still with an attitude. "You heard what he said, he doesn't know anything about it. He said it was there even before he slept with me."

   "Rob. I was with you that night, and your neck was clear all the way."

   I stand there, stunned as ever. He's right. But even if it was Lachlan, when did he find the time to do it to me? When I was sleeping? I doubt it, I would've felt it. Wouldn't I?

   "I just don't know you anymore. It's like you're a whole new different person, Rob" He says pulling the door open

   I stop him by shouting at him to wait. "I don't get it. Jerome, I just don't get it." I state with a tad bit anger starting in my voice. "Why do you hate him so much? I mean.....It's not like you've met him before or anything."

   He takes his time to process that into his mind and exit the door feeling frustrated after. For a second there, he seemed as though he was affected by my statement. As soon as I said those string of words to him, he stoped everything he was doing and seemed speechless.

   What did I say? Could it be because-- it couldn't have.

   I exit the bathroom quickly only to find Jerome sitting on one of the benches directly outside of Preston's room, alone, with his face in his hands.

   I go to him and sit next to him. I don't even know what I'm suppose to say. 'I'm sorry'? 'What happened'?  Where do I even start.

   "Y-You okay, Jerome?"

   He lets out a sigh of devestation before turning to me with a blank face. His lips open as though he was about to say something but choke in the process.

   "Rob.....You might not know this but..." he takes his time, word by word. "Lachlan and I used to friends."

   Why was he phrasing 'best friend' so abnormally? It's like he was searching for an alternate word but couldn't find one so he just used that instead. "What do you mean?"

   "I'm gonna tell you something I've never told anyone before. But you gotta promise me you wont tell anyone? Okay?" I nod in response, he pauses a short while before continuing his words. "Rob, I'm bi."

   I take a few minutes to process that into my brain. As soon as I did, I wrap him in my arms for a warm embracing hug letting him know that I accept him for who he is and that that wont change our friendship.

   "I didn't even know I was until Lachlan came into my life in middle school. My life changed when I met him." Wait. Is he implying what I think he's implying? Is he telling me that he and Lachlan used to date? What?! "I hate him every second of my life for it." I take a second to slowly understand it. So...did they or did they not date?

   "It was my first year in middle school. Lachlan joined in a little later about two or three months after. I only had one friend at that time; but it was heartbreaking to have him because we both treasured each other's company very much, but he doesn't show it as much as I do. He even had this other group of friends he hangs out with more, and is so close, and acts differently with; than with me, and I end up being alone feeling jealous and unwanted. So I decided to make friends with Lachlan." He explains and takes a deep breath before continuing. I can already tell this is going to be long; but it's okay, this story sounds sad and I like sadness sometimes.

   "We started off nice; and then very sooner enough, we gotten really close to each other, we were inseperable. I sorta even neglected that one other friend because of Lachlan." He continues. "But then I realised, Lachlan was being strangely too attached to me. At first, yeah, I liked how he treats me and our friendship because that's what I do to him too. But then soon enough I started to realise it even more."

   "And then at one point, he confessed to me. I asked him how he knew he really likes me, and I remember him saying something along the lines of 'you just know you like someone when you look at them differently compared to how you look at everyone else. You even tend to think about them.' " wow. Lachlan is actually romantic. Go figure. "And that made me realise that I liked that one other friend I had before Lachlan, I liked him more than friends."

   "So I turned down Lachlan, though he wasn't too happy about it. The next few day, I decided to tell that one other friend how I felt about him, but he pushes me off to a wall visciously and instantly everytime I wanted to see and talk to him about it. I was too late; Lachlan had already gotten to him before me, and Laclan corrupted his mind. He ruined my life." He says ending it.

   "Wow, I'm so sorry." I apologise genuinely.

   "I got so depressed I changed school right after. And then I was reunited with him in high school freshman year, apparently he's a big bully now. Despite that, I still like the guy.....and that guy is Mitch." And with that, he ends his speech with a big bang. Mitch?! The bully?! OH SHIT.

   "And then I saw him at your house the other day...I just...I-I don't want what happened to me and Mitch to happen to you and Preston. Especially since he totally has a thing for you" He says dearingly, but pauses halfway. Wait, WHAT?! PRESTON HAS A THING FOR ME?! "But I guess it's better for you to make your own mistakes and learn from them rather than to learn from other people's experience. So.....go." He sets me free.

   "Wait...What do you mean Preston has a thing for me?"

   "Dude, for real? Are you kidding? Dude, you're so stupid. The way he looks at you, the way he treasures your friendship, and the way he cares about you, is the way I used to with Mitch." He says explaining "and the way you do to Lachlan too." He says ending it there.

   I now know what I must do. The next few, my maneuvers have to outsmart his. But what do I do? I love Preston, and I don't want to lose him as a friend...but at the same time.....I think I'm in love with Lachlan.

A/N: MEROMEEEEEE!!! Okay bye. Also, forgive me for my bad grammar and vocabulary and spelling for this one. I don't have time to recheck everything, I only have time to post it. But I'll check it out tomorrow morning.

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