Chapter 5

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Kate's P.O.V.

It's been a while now since the day i joined the crew. It still doesn't seem like Marcy's really fond of me, but i'm getting to know these guys better. We all have secrets, and things we keep to ourselves, but that is what makes us ourselves.
There is something I started to notice when Tyler was talking to me last week about how Joey is different and he isn't like the others.

He's really pale, and not as if a skin colour, but it looks more as if some kind of a sickness. I don't want it all mixing in my head right now so i try not to notice.
I'm just thinking, other must've noticed this, but they don't seem to bother, maybe i shouldn't either? As i said, we all have some secrets.

Another week went by pretty fast...I was talking to the crew guys about some interesting facts in the Academy, trying to keep my reputation growing. I slowly started to forget about New York.

After school I decided to walk around the town. I still haven't been on the other side of the lake, rumors say there was a mass murder once, so the place is forbidden.

My life has been all about risking so far, so I dropped my school bag at home ,changed into something more appropriate for walks and motivated myself to go and see for myself. This town never fails to surprise me!

'' Dad, I am going for a walk. See ya later. I'll be late don't wait for me. ''

First stop i made was by the shore where I drowned my mother's present. Then i headed further into the forbidden zone.
It was a LONG walk trough the forest when i finally made it to the other side of the lake.
I walked further watching at trees and kicking the sand beneath my feet.

Sun was almost down. It was a beautiful sunset. Sun was so big ,shining with red, Orange, pink, purple and blue colours around it. I had to take picture of that.

I pulled my phone out of my pocked and snapped a picture adding a caption to it : 'Opportunities hide within you and ability to climb a tree.'

I put it back in pocket and started to walk into the forest. I don't get why this place is forbidden, the murder happened many years ago, it's really beautiful here.

When I walked deeper into the forest everything looked so peaceful and beautiful with still a little bit of sun shining trough the tree branches. I walked further and further until I got on a road. It's a sandy road and It leads somewhere far into the forest.
"Well, today I am a risk taker..." I stepped forward.

The road ended in front of a huge, old abandoned mansion. The windows were all sealed, doors untouched. Aren't there any hooligans who walk around and smash windows? This town really surprises me!

I couldn't take my eyes off it. The Mansion reminded me of a book i once read, the history plot twist in all that, i can't believe i have an opportunity to try and experience seeing something like this!

I couldn't hold back, something was forcing me to enter that place. Probably just my curiosity.

I entered the house and suddenly by taking a step forward I couldn't hear my footsteps. Everything went so quiet.
There were a lot of packages and things unpacked like someone moved here just a couple days ago, but still I could see all the spider webs around here. I looked around the 1st floor a bit more, nothing really interesting to see but found a lot of old books from CENTURIES ago. And a lot of letters that were most likely written by the person that lived here. Sadly the name is all faded.

I quietly walked to the 2nd floor to look around when I heard something. I jumped in shock grabbing my chest. It sounded like a door or a window shut so loudly ,as if a person would've done it. Maybe the mansion's owner is here? I shouldn've sneaked around.

After a while i realized no one was here so I calmed down and continued walking. I walked around the 2nd floor a bit longer than the first cause I found a lot of scary things here. All the doors that were in the house were covered in blood or at least it seems like it. Some weird statues of men with robes in every room. Bathrooms had no mirrors and if i found one, it was shattered in pieces.

I'm starting to think this house is cursed.

The person that lives here definitely wasn't a nice person by looking at these pictures of knifes on the table in front of the stairs.

I walked to the other side of the hallway when suddenly I felt a little wind blowing on me from nowhere. It got colder and colder...
I turned around to see what's behind me and I saw a shadow that was standing at the end of the hallway. My eyes flew wide open, i wanted to scream but I knew no one would hear me.

I started to move towards me. My whole body went numb, but then i remembered something, a memory flashing right before my eyes. That day...
|Throw Back|
"Mom, i want some tea!" I begged her.
"I'm going to make you some tea if you show me how was your arts class in school today." She smiled weakly.
"SURE THING!" I laughed running after my sketchbook. Today, in our class we had to draw the most cherished thing we have. I drew my mom! All my friends made fun of me, cause it was supposed to be an object, i told my teacher that there is nothing more i care about! She smiled at me and gave me the highest mark in class.
I grabbed by sketchbook and run back to the living room, when i heard mom talking to someone.
"Leave! I won't tell you what you who it is!"
"Dad is that you?" I ran faster to find a shadow standing in front of my mother. I couldn't see a face, but it was a man dressed in an historical costume.
"Kate! Go back to your room, NOW!" Mom yelled at me.
"Mom, who's this man? Should i call dad?"
"What a smart girl, except David won't come home in time." I saw him grab my mom and throw her out of the window of our department building apartments.
|Throw Back / End|
I snapped out of it and started to run towards the closest room. Why did I even walk in here? I knew it wouldn't be any good!
I stopped by the doors, turning my head to face the shadow trying to look closer. But It was too dark to see. Something about it reminded me of that day. But they told me, in rehab, they told me i was in shock, they told me she committed suicide!

The shadow started to run after me as I shut the door, covered it with a drawer that was right next to it. I looked around for an opening, only choice i had was the window. Footsteps were coming closer to the door and getting more and more quiet.

I think It's gone.

But within a couple seconds a big blast smashed the doors as I jumped out of the window not even thinking of what I was doing. I fell on a rock with all my weight hitting the side of my stomach and scratched my leg really hard. I could feel myself bleeding.

I looked back up at the window and saw the shadow fade away.

Who was that? Or. What was it?

A/N - Hope you liked this chapter. A bit scary...Woooh. Well i hope you are interested in what happens next!

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