party fail

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me and ag went downstairs after being in the bathroom for a while. i saw avery and she was clearly drunk, she tumbled over to me while handing me a drink so i chugged. i was already tipsy and there was tequila in that cup so i'm gonna get more fucked up.

maihua got our friend group together and said: "let's play never have i ever"

we all sat in a circle and the person to start was obviously maihua since she wanted to play it, if u did it take a shot.

m: never have i ever kissed someone in this friend group
we all took a shot
a: never have i ever dated someone in this group
me, ag, anna, and maihua took a shot
me: never have i ever hooked up with someone in this group
me and ag took a shot and laughed
ma: there's no wa- you guys hooked up?!
we just stared at each other and mac looked kinda upset, idk why though
s: ok um, never have i ever be-
ma: i can't do this i have to go

mac got up and left, i looked at ag and she gave me the signal to go after her. when i caught up to her i asked her what was wrong

me: hey are you ok, what happened
ma: i'm not ok, u and ag hooked up
me: it just happened, and we're together now, why is that a problem?

i went silent and just stared at the ground

me: mac i'm sorry i didn't know you felt that way
ma: of course you didn't, ever since the start of freshman year all you though about was ag and never payed any attention to the people around you, it's always been about her
me: mac...
ma: no y/n, you don't understand. i've liked you for god knows how long and all of a sudden you start dating ag
me: mac like i said i didn't know, why didn't you just tell me so we could at least work things out
ma: because you never talked about liking anyone else besides ag

i stared at her for a second and could see how upset she was but then out of no where... she kissed me, i pulled away and walked off. why did she do that?

A/n: i didn't rlly know what to write for this but it just got stuck in my head so there we go, sorry if it was a little short

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