home sweet home

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a/n: 3.26k reads, crazyyyyyyyy. anyway i'm sorry for not updating i didn't think ppl would like it so much😭

your pov:
we haven't been home for a while and i honestly miss being in my own bed. i had a really good time with ag but i want to see my friends. so i ft maihua.

m: hey y/n, what's up?
you: me and ag just got home and i wanted to call you since it's been a while
m: ohh ok, that's cool. you doing anything right now?
you: well i'm gonna take a shower real quick and maybe take pics of you wanna come?
m: yeah sure, let me get ready
you: ok, i'll let you know when i'm done and i'll pick you up and we can go
m: you bringing ag?
you: no she wants some rest so she's gonna stay home, why?
m: oh i was just asking, i'll let you shower bye
*ft call ended*

well that was weird...

ag's pov:
i had so much fun with y/n but i'm soooo tired and i wanna take a nap but i'm gonna take a shower first. y/n just got off the phone with maihua and they're gonna take some pics but i'm scared because she's always had a thing for y/n but she doesn't realize it.

ag: babe i need to take a shower
you: well i have to take a shower
ag: *smirks* why don't we save some water then
you: omg, you're so funny. what ever get in here

i got undressed and watched y/n and she's so HOT. i'm so lucky to have her. we hopped in the shower together and don't worry nothing happened because i was tired.

your pov:
when me and ag were done taking a shower i picked out an outfit to wear. it was a loose, striped button up shirt with ripped jeans and black and white air force's.

maihua called me and asked if i was on my way and i told her i had just got dressed and was about to leave so we just stayed in the phone. i was about to walk out the house but ag called me to the bedroom

ag: babeeeeee come here real quick
you: what's wrong? *i walk to her*
ag: i love you baby, have fun
you: i love you too
*we kiss*

maihua's pov:
i don't know why but i'm so jealous of their relationship, maybe it's because i had a crush on y/n for so long, i just wanted to be with her and no one else, GOD why am i like this

y/n walks to the car and i look at her pretending i'm ok

you: heyyy
m: hey you
you: omg i missed you so much, how have u been
m: aw i missed you too, and i've been ok
you: that's great, u talking to anyone yet?
m: no but i like someone
you: shut up, who?
m: i'd rather not say
you: what is it me or something
m: WHAT? No!
you: um, ok didn't have to say it like that
m: sorry, but no i don't like u
you: ok, because that would be weird since you're like a sister to me
m: y-yeah, we like sisters and i don't like my sisters
you: ok good, now off to take these pics
m: yup, i know a place
you: ok, let's go

maihua's pov:
"like a sister to me" that's all that was stuck in my head, i know she's with ag but she really only thinks of me as a sister? i shouldn't be upset! she doesn't wanna be with me and i have to respect her relationship so that's what i'm gonna do even if it hurts that i can't be with her

i pull up into this field of flowers to take our pictures

you: wow this is really pretty
m: yeah just like you
you: thanks sis
m: yeah, no problem

sis.... sis...

a/n: sorry i haven't updated in so long, i didn't think a lot of people would like this so i kinda of forgot about it, but i have the next chapter started and should have it up by tomorrow or tuesday

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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