some mistakes get made

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i woke up with a huge headache and ag wasn't there "she's mad at me" was all that went through my head. i looked at the time and it was 7 in the morning so i decided to go back to sleep.

ag's pov:
i woke up early because i felt bad for how i was last night, i shouldn't have punched mac like that but she also shouldn't have kissed y/n. i went to the store to get some of y/n favorite things and surprise her when she wakes up, i hope she's not mad at me

time skip~

i just got home and y/n was awake *shit* everything was in the car so that's a good thing. i wanted to mess wit her so i ignored her every time she tried talking to me or touching me, even though it killed me

you: ag why won't you talk to me? was it something i did, something i said, what is it you're killing me!you weren't in bed this morning so i don't even wanna know what you did while you were gone. if this is all because of mac i'm sorry babe, i didn't want it to happen it just did, she kissed me and i'm the one that pushed her away. just talk to me please...

i just stood there not saying a word and not moving. after a few seconds i started walking towards the door and y/n tried catching up to me.

you: fine leave, but don't come back

she closed the door and i could hear her crying which made me tear up, but i had to get the stuff out the car before she actually thought i was leaving her.

i grabbed everything and started walking to the door again and i still heard her sobbing, aw my baby. i opened the door slowly with flowers, a bear, and her favorite candy and drinks.

she turned around and i saw her face light up once she saw me, god i love her smile. i put everything down on the floor, closed the door, and held my arms out for her to hug me. and she did, she ran into my arms and gave me a really big hug.

ag: baby i'm sorry for how i acted last night and this morning. i wasn't here this morning because when i woke up i felt bad for how i was so i wanted to say sorry
you: aw i'm sorry too, i shouldn't have told you to leave, i was just upset that you weren't talking to me so i thought i did something wrong
ag: no no no, you didn't do anything it was my fault i made you feel this way and you shouldn't have to. 

she gave me a kiss

ag: i have an idea, go put on some nice clothes and pack a bag for 4 days, make sure you bring a bathing suit, we're going out and having fun
you: omg, ok!

she did a little happy dance and ran off to her room to go get ready so i started doing to same.

A/n: i'm sorry if this felt short but i'm at work and this is what popped up in my head, let me know what you think about it so far and maybe give me ideas of what else to write.

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