The Beginning Of The End

486 18 17

Chapter 1

Dans POV

 I awoke to the sound of smashing glass, I look around my room, still a bit dazed from my dreamless sleep. I hear the sound again, I stand up immediately and hiss as the cold air hits my exposed torso. Quietly creeping toward my bedroom door which is still open, from when Phil got up probably, and look out into the deserted hallway. I walkout, stepping over all the junk in the house. As I meander  towards the kitchen my eyes go wide and I stop in my tracks. Glass. Everywhere. Little slithers of clear glass line our hallway and seep into the kitchen. What the hell is going on I think to myself, what has Phil done now.

 I look around for any sort of footwear that would get me over this maze of foot shredding material and find an old pair of black crocks. Chuckling to myself I slip them on and make my way to the kitchen.

 "Phil" I call trying to see if I can get my boyfriends attention and see if he can tell me the inevitable funny story that led up to this death trap. But no reply comes. I slide into the kitchen. It's completely empty.

 "Phil are you there" maybe he's gone to Tesco and left a note I think to myself, but a small little noise coming from the lounge pulls me out of my trail of thought.

 I sigh to myself and my make my way to the lounge. As I open the door, the sight horrifies me and I step back. Phil is on one of our dinning room chairs, hands tied behind his back and a gag in his mouth... kinky... Looking into his eyes I can see the fear.

 I run over him to see if he okay, but a small cut on his cheek makes my eyes grow wide, who would do this to my Philly and are they still in the flat?

 I immediately spin round to a blond haired girl who looks around 20. She had way too make up on which turned her a shade of orange that I have never seen on a woman before. She was wearing dark clothes and a grin as wide as her hips. Just behind her was an equally grinning man with flaming red hair and the same dark clothes. I slightly curse myself for not noticing them earlier.

"Very nice to see you have finally awoken Daniel" She says in a sickly sweet voice. "Please do take a seat" I stand my ground though, slightly shaking my head, I want to yell at her, ask her what she is doing and what she wants with us but I can't find my voice.

"Very well then" she replies with a small nod of the head. "Blake would you like to help him". The guy, who assume is called Blake takes a few steps my way and I stumble backwards. In one swift move he gaps my arm and yanks me towards the chair situated by Phil. A loud whimper passes my lips as I can feel ropes around my wrist. I look at Phil, who is staring at me wide eyed. Tears start cascading down my cheeks.

 Authors Notey Thingy *I won't do many I promise*

Please leave me comments on anything that you think I could approve on please!

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