Chapter- 13

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As this wasn't enough torture, now we had to stay in some hotel for the night.

The rusty board said "PARADISE HOTEL" but there was nothing like paradise in that hotel. Maliha grabbed my arm and we rushed inside in order to find ,which was written on a pair of keys she was having.. Once we stepped inside the room , she closed the door with a loud thud, which reflected a lot about her mood.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' she sounded outraged.

'I didn't do anything purposely , I just fell asleep as I was trying to avoid any weird conversations with him . But I didn't know how I ended up of all the places on his shoulders!' I explained myself.

'But do you have any idea what others are talking about?' she said.

'Why didn't you save me a seat besides you? It's all your fault!' I blamed her.

'I thought you would be sitting with Armaan as you both needed to talk things out ! He was sitting in the cabinet area in front!' she explained

'What?I didn't knew that ! You should've told me that or gestured me somehow! It would've saved me from all this embarrassment!'I said with tears rolling down my cheeks .

She came closer to me and hugged me which made my tears grew more prominent.

"It will be alright, noone is even going to remember this tomorrow. Just stay away from Mr. Roy! she said wiping my tears .

After around 15 minutes later , there was a knock on the door. Maliha answered the door as my face was heavily messed probably with all the crying.It was Samira to convey the message given by Mr. Roy to all the students to gather in the cafeteria at 9:00 pm sharp.

'And it is already 8:45 !WOW! He has really lost it!' Maliha said disgustedly as she was already pissed on him.Then she applied some of her foundation on my face which was red probably due to all the crying. Without any further delay ,Maliha and I got to the cafeteria and I asked her not leave me alone at any cost!

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