Chapter- 26

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All the pain from before when I was smashed to the ground immediately disappeared seeing, all bruised up face of Armaan. My expressions were filled with curiosity and I was impatient to ask all these questions , How did Armaan end up here?, What have they done to him?, Why is his leg bleeding?, What happened to his face?, Why is his spectacles all smashed up?, Is Maliha also locked up somewhere in here just like us? If not, where is she? My unanswered questions were just piling up in my head and creating more confusions, but our mouths were covered with some kind of duct tape and both of our hands and feet were tied to a chair in which we were made to sit, it was some different kind of place than previous one, it did not looked like some stable but some kind of warehouse with boxes pilled up all across the room.

Just as I was analyzing this shitty place and finding an escape route, a man who could truthfully use some bathing and shaving came to the room and started throwing boxes around the room angrily and kept asking me  something in pure Kashmiri dialect which I couldn't understand which made him more angry.After repeatedly saying the same words again and again and not getting any answers from me, he got very frustrated and smashed my face so hard with his long stiff hands
that it made my cheek blistered and it started bleeding! I should have learnt some Kashmiri words when Maliha repeatedly requested me to, this situation would be so much  easier if I knew what he was saying and why is acting so impatient?

That man grew more impatient and frustrated with my lack of answers , that he raised his long hands again in order to hit me again, but out of nowhere somewhat civilized man came and grabbed his arm and then they both started having some angry discussion again in Kashmiri dialect of which I didn't get a single word!

Then the one who stopped the other man from hitting me started talking to me with the language that I finally understood,

'Where is your companion?' he asked with somewhat anger growing in his eye.

MR. ROY? How did they know of him? Why did they wanted to know his whereabouts?

Just then, another man came closer to me and ripped the tape off my mouth which hurted more than waxing!

'I,---I don't know!' I lied.

That angry man who had slapped me before , smashed my face again and this time my lips started to bleed!And then he grabbed my face and cupped it with his firm , long hands and started uttering the same Kashmiri words which I didn't understood!

'Look, we need an answer and it's obvious from our faces that we are not likely to take NO for an answer, so for your own good you better start talking!' that somewhat civilized men threatened me.

I stayed quiet as I knew in that moment that they were going to kill me anyway if I gave them an answer or not!

'He killed one of our men!' he  illustrated.

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