Chapter Three - The Frenchman

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Y/n pov

We are sat at a restaurant I see the kid pointing at the menu trying to work out what the menu was saying.

Avdol laughs but also doesn't know what any of it means. We sit and chat when a man with white hair that stands tall and a strange fashion sense (I'm sorry I love his clothes but let's just role with this okay.)

"Can I sit with you guys please I don't really know how to read the menu" he says. He sounds french so he must be a tourist too.

"Go away" I hear Jotaro say which got a sigh from Joesph "Jotaro be nice. Of course you can sit with us I'll order us all something nice." Joesph says and pulls up a seat so the french man can sit down.

Joesph tells the waiter our order and as soon as it arrives everyone but Joesph and Kimmy stares at it in disgust. Kimmy looks confused and Joseph looks proud of what he has ordered.

"Joseph I appreciate you but why have you ordered food that looks disgusting" I say which gets Kakyoin to snort trying to hold in a laugh and a "Yare Yare Daze" from Jotaro.

"It doesnt matter what we get everything here tastes nice so dig in" as he says this everyone gets a plateful but Avdol is helping Kimmy pick food and it actually tastes pretty nice. Just as I'm satisfied and want to eat more the table gets flipped over by the Frenchman which gets an annoyed groan from me and Kimmy.

"I was sent by Dio and you Avdol will be the first to die!" He says showing nothing but truth and coldness in his voice. He seriously plans to kill Avdol.

My first thought goes to Kimmy and I look at her and she is glaring at the frenchman.

"My name is Pierre Jean Polneraff and my stand is silver Chariot. I will use my stand to kill you Avdol." Avdol grunts and uses magicians red to try and hurt him but instead he gets it fired back at him and has to duck. (I cant remember if this is how it goes so I'm sorry if i get it wrong.)

Avdol and Polneraff take this fight outside and Kimmy is currently hiding behind Joesph who in return keeps patting her head and telling her that it will be okay.

I can tell this small girl really does view Avdol as her father and from what i know Avdol has looked after her from birth because she was abandoned by her parents. This poor girl must be so scared. She looks up at me and slowly approaches me and puts her hand in mine and leads me away from the fight with Avdol and Polneraff to show me a small flower Bush that had lots of bees on it.

"We should call a bee Y/n so if we ever come here again then there will be something to remember." She says this with a small smile and it makes my heart melt. This small girl that has current danger in her life is trying her hardest to keep me calm. I guess she must if known that I was worried for Avdol as I wanted him to win for her.

We start to walk back and I see Jotaro pull out a flesh bug from Polneraffs head and I sigh in relief as I see an alive Avdol but he looks worried until his eyes meet mine and then to the small girl who was with me.

"Kimmy I was so worried I was looking all over for you" Avdol says as he runs to us and picks Kimmy up and spins her around in the air making me smile at the scene.

Kakyoin walks over and looks at me. "She is really lucky huh? To have a father like Avdol to look after her." He says and he puts his arm around me which startled me but I just smile "Yeah she is." I say in return.

As we keep walking Kakyoin keeps his arm around me and it gets me wondering why he was doing it. Polneraff was explaining his story about his sister and what journey he wants to go on but Kakyoins arm keeps distracting me.

Why is his arm distracting me? Surely it's just a friendly thing and nothing more as I havnt really spoken to Kakyoin at all so for him to do this must be his way of trying to become my friend.

We all start boarding the boat and get ready for a relaxing boat ride. (Or are they dun dun dun)


I hope you are liking this story so far the nest episode is where the romance between the reader and Kakyoin starts. The little girl is a key part to the story and that's why she keeps getting mentioned right now.

Have a good day my fellow readers 😌✌

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