Chapter Five - The monkey

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Y/N pov

We are on a ship currently looking for the ships owner Kimmy and Jotaro had wandered off somewhere else and I cant seem to see them anywhere.

Suddenly I start sinking in the ground. God I've never felt so uncomfortable I am claustrophobic so this is horrible I feel like there is no way out this is stressing me out. (Sorry I just thought being claustrophobic was convenient to the plot.)

I see a hook from the ship swing down and kill a crew member instantly and I scream from pure shock that the hook did that. I look overto Kakyoin to see he is looking at me with pity in his eyes I'm guessing he didnt like the sound of my screaming.

"Don't worry Kakyoin I'm fone although I wish I could move about freely this boat is stressing me out a little." I say this with a hint of annoyance in my voice which gets a nod from Kakyoin as he engages in conversation with Polneraff again.

I don't understand he was so interested in me before so why the sudden change. I didnt purposely push him away at all. Wait...why is this upsetting me...I dont like him at all so this is perfectly fine he can ignore me and talk to Polneraff all he wants it has no business with me.

Seeing them actually laughing together makes my heart ache though so why. I turn away from them and I see Kimmy run to me and start to whipe away the tears i didnt even know i was shedding. The boat suddenly breaks and we all see that it was infact just a little mini boat instead. (I cant remember if this happens in the anime cuz i have small brain rn but it happens in the OVA so we rolling with it.)

Joseph Joestar starts sailing the boat and Kimmy has fallen asleep in my lap. I smile at her but still seeing Kakyoin with Polneraff aches my heart and I have no idea why.

"Y/N stop looking so down atleast we survived and Kimmy has taken a liking to you." I turn to see Jotaro looking at me and I smile slightly. Jotaro may not act like it but he cares we have been childhood best friends so of course he cares.

"Thanks Jotaro I'm not upset about the boat ride it is something else but I will tell you about it later." Jotaro nods at me understanding that I dont want to say it infront of everyone else because I'm a little nervous.

"Big (brother,sister,sibling) Y/N I'm glad you are smiling now I dont like seeing you sad." The now awake little girl exclaims with happiness in her voice which makes me smile even more.



Jumpforce has taken over my life please forgive me 🥺🙏

I'll try to write more but I'll be busy with college but I will upload whenever I get chance please dont lose hope in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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